Wiki History Listing

V1 When a character is wearing the attire of a nurse. A nurse is a health care professional who regularly assists [[doctor|doctors]] and other health care professionals in the [[syringe|treatment]], safety, and recovery of [[sick|ill]] and [[injury|injured people]]. Nursing is largely a female profession, but men can be nurses as well.

While most modern nurses wear [[medical scrubs]] at their workplaces, the attire this tag most often applies to is the [[white dress]] and [[nurse cap]] combination that was popular during the 20th century. Before then, western nurses were known for wearing a combination of a nurse cap, [[black dress]], and a [[white apron]].

h4. See also

* [[Hospital]]
* [[Clinic]]
* [[clipboard]]
* [[labcoat]]
* [[rubber gloves]]
* [[surgical mask]]
* [[stethoscope]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54