Wiki History Listing

V1 Character from [i][[Umamusume]][/i].

The Feng Shui horse girl. She is Tracen's very own Feng Shui evangelist, saying that applying the principles of Feng Shui to training and racing will bring success. She is a very good example of how some characters subsume some traits from their RL owners as the real Copano Rickey's owner is Sachiaki Kobayashi, also known as "Dr. [b]Copa[/b]", architect, shinto priest and - most importantly - "Japan's leading expert" on Feng Shui. Also she is currently the one with the most (11) G1 wins which break the record that was jointly held by [[Symboli Rudolf (Umamusume)|]], [[Vodka (Umamusume)|]], [[T.M. Opera O (Umamusume)|]] and [[Kitasan Black (Umamusume)|]] (seven wins each).

A [[Horse Girl]], she has [[medium_hair|medium]] (straddling into [[long_hair|long]]) [[brown_hair|chestnut brown]] or [[orange hair]] in [[double bun|]]s with a white "blaze" marking on her bangs, magenta eyes (tag [[purple_eyes|purple]] or [[pink_eyes|pink]] depending on the brightness), a cute [[fang]] and [[ear covers]] of different colors. The left ear cover is black while [b]the right one[/b] is yellow with a red stripe and is surrounded by an octogonal ear ornament based on the bagua at the base.

Before her racing outfit was unveiled, it was assumed that it would be based on [[chinese clothes]] due to her owner-mandated Feng Shui theme.

h5. Profile
“Rickey ★Lucky ★ Making everyone happy! Leave the races and luckiness to me! ”
―Copano Rickey

Copano Rickey is a bright, cheerful and self-admittedly lucky horse girl. She has a very deep knowledge about Feng Sui and her knowledge is the real deal. She uses Feng Sui not only in her daily life but also in her training and racing. "I want to make everyone happy with the power of Feng Shui!" she says and her advice on good fortune is pretty well-received...

h5. Associated Characters
* [[Kitasan Black (umamusume)|]] - Childhood Friend (Both owners of said horse are friends IRL)
* [[Hokko Tarumae (umamusume)|]] - Rival (Main Rival in RL)
* [[Wonder Acute (umamusume)|]] - Rival
* [[Matikanefukukitaru (umamusume)|]] - Fellow lucky-themed horse girl. (Rickey being a Feng Shui practitioner and Fukukitaru; a hoarder of lucky charms, their methods often clash in fanart.)
* [[Smart Falcon (umamusume)|]] -
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54