Wiki History Listing

V1 A 2011 rape hentai & eroge where 7 people, 1 male and 6 female, are locked in a dungeon. The exit is locked with six locks and the only way to open them is for the male to rape all of the females. Refusal to play the game is met with death. The hentai animation is produced by [i]Magin[/i] studio and the eroge is developed by [i]CLOCKUP[/i].

h4. Characters

* [[Aoi Natsuki]]
* [[Byakuya Rinne]]
* [[Hokari Kanae]]
* [[Makiba Rika]]
* [[Manaka Nemu]]

h4. External Links

* "VNDB: Euphoria":
* "Wikipedia (JA): Euphoria":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54