Wiki History Listing

V2 A fantasy tabletop miniature wargame created by Games Workshop in 1983. Along with its sister game [[Warhammer_40K]] popularized the term "grimdark". Featured an extensive universe inspired by medieval Europe and famous fantasy authors like Tolkien, with many games and books still being created to this day.

The Warhammer Fantasy game was retired in 2015, with its world destroyed in-universe and replaced with [[Age_of_Sigmar]], which features many of the same characters.

h4. Factions/Races
h6. [[Chaos_(Warhammer)]]
* Beastmen
* Daemons of Chaos
* Warriors of Chaos

h6. Dwarf
* Chaos Dwarfs
* Dwarfs

h6. Elf
* Dark Elves
* High Elves
* Wood Elves

h6. Greenskins
* Orcs
* Goblins

h6. Human
* [[Bretonnia]]
* The Border Princes
* The Empire
* Estalia
* Grand [[Cathay]]
* [[Kislev]]
* Norsca
* Tilea

h6. Lizardmen
* [[Lizardmen_(Warhammer)]]

h6. Ogres
* Ogre Kingdoms

h6. Skaven
* [[Skaven]]

h6. Undead
* Tomb Kings
* Vampire Counts
* Vampire Coast

h4. Characters
h6. Chaos
* [[Archaon]]
* [[Khorne]]
* [[N'Kari]]
* [[Nurgle]]
* [[Sigvald_the_Magnificent]]
* [[Skarbrand]]
* [[Slaanesh]]
* [[Tzeentch]]
* [[Valkia_the_Bloody]]

h6. Elf
* [[Alarielle_the_Radiant]]
* [[Arahan]]
* [[Ariel_(warhammer)]]
* [[Handmaiden_of_the_Everqueen]]
* [[Kerillian]]
* [[Malekith]]
* [[Morathi]]
* [[Naestra]]
* [[Orion_(Warhammer)]]
* [[Teclis]]
* [[Tyrion]]

h6. Greenskin
* [[Grom_the_Paunch]]

h6. Human
* [[Beaquis]]
* [[Countess_Emmanuelle_von_Liebwitz]]
* [[Deathclaw_(Warhammer_Fantasy)]]
* [[Fay_Enchantress]]
* [[Karl_Franz]]
* [[Markus_Kruber]]
* [[Miao_Ying]]
* [[Norscan]]
* [[Repanse_de_Lyonesse]]
* [[Sigmar_Heldenhammer]]
* [[Tzarina_Katarin]]

h6. Lizardmen
* [[Kroxigor]]
* [[Nakai_the_Wanderer]]
* [[Skink_(Warhammer_Fantasy)]]

h6. Undead
* [[Isabella_von_Carstein]]
* [[Khalida_(warhammer)]]
* [[Neferata]]

h4. See Also
* [[Warhammer_(franchise)]]
* [[Warhammer_40K]]
* [[Age_of_Sigmar]]

h4. External Links
* Wikipedia:
Updated by My_I Thu, Dec 29 '22, 11:09
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54