Wiki History Listing

V1 [[World War II]] [[airplane]] famous for its role in the defense of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain. The elliptical-winged Spitfire and its carrier variant the [[Seafire (airplane)|]] served from the late 1930s all the way to the 1950s, with the last model (the clipped-wing, bubble-canopied Mark 24) being used in the Malayan Emergency.

Some Spitfires carried eight .303in Browning [[machine gun]]s as armament, while other models were also armed with 20mm cannon, the barrels of which protruded from the leading edge of the wings. A few Spitfires were equipped with two .50 caliber machine guns in lieu of .303s. Other ordnance carried included light bombs or rockets.

h4. See also

* [[List of airplanes]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Supermarine Spitfire":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54