Wiki History Listing

V1 [b]Level:[/b] 4
[b]Attribute:[/b] Wind
[b]Type:[/b] Winged Beast / Normal
[i]This human-shaped animal with wings is beautiful to watch but deadly in battle.[/i]

[b]ATK:[/b] 1300
[b]DEF:[/b] 1400

[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] [[Duel Monster]] card. Signature card of [[Kujaku Mai]]. Initially depicted in her first incarnation with [[blue skin]], she was retrained as [[Harpie Lady 1]] with human skin color that became the base for the "Harpie Ladies" archtype later on. Thus, this tag is an umbrella tag for several version of the "original" Harpie Lady (the one with pink, long hair).

As "Harpie Lady" was designed to fit the "femme fatale" personality of Mai, she (along with other monsters in the archtype) were shown to wear a risque clothing (primarily consists of a [[slingshot swimsuit|slingshot bikini-like]] outfit), she and other "Harpie Lady" monsters were heavily censored in the TCG release.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54