Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Azur Lane]]’s anthropomorphism of HMS [i]Duke of York[/i] (17), the third ship of the [i]King George V[/i]-class battleships.
Character design by [[Enka (bcat)]], voiced by [[Tanaka Rie]].

h4. Appearance and personality
[tn]See post #3033369.[/tn]

She is portrayed with [[long hair|long]] [[pink hair]], [[pointy ears]], and [[blue eyes]]. Her outfit consists of a two-tone cape with an [[aiguillette]], [[epaulettes]], and a [[popped collar]], a [[double-breasted]] [[red jacket]] that is open at her [[cleavage]], a [[black skirt]], [[pantyhose]], and [[strappy heels]].

Her rig consists of her historical 356 mm quad gun mounts emblazoned with the real life ship's badge on the turret roofs, and two 133 mm twin DP mounts to her right. She also wields a gold-hilted sword with a black blade.

In the Azur Lane universe, Duke of York is a vampire with a gothic aesthetic, as well as speaking, and behaving with an old english theme, using words such as ‘thee’ ‘thou’, etc. While not [[yandere|as intense]] as [[Akagi (Azur Lane)|]] or [[Roon (Azur Lane)|]], she still wishes to make the Commander hers, with most of her lines stating how handsome and admirable they are, even as so far as giving him nicknames such as Adonis, Skylark, Sparrow, Nightingale, etc.

h4. History
In real life, [i]Duke of York[/i] was named after the reigning monarch of her time, King George VI (in his pre-coronation role as the Duke of York).
She started construction in May 1937, and was finished and commissioned on November 14, 1941. She is most notable for the participation in the Battle of the North Cape in December 1943 where she sank [[scharnhorst (azur lane)|Scharnhorst]] in the midst of the Arctic winter using radar-assisted blind fire aided by the actions of her escorting cruisers and destroyers.

h4. Skins

* [[Duke of York (Eternal Night's Carola) (Azur Lane)]]
* [[Duke of York (Prestige of the Glorious Formula) (Azur Lane)]]

h4. [i]King George V[/i]-class Battleships
** [[King George V (Azur Lane)]] (41)
** [[Prince of Wales (Azur Lane)]] (53)
** [b]Duke of York[/b] (17)
** [[Howe (Azur Lane)]] (32)

h4. See also
* "Wikipedia: HMS [i]Duke of York[/i] (17).":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54