Wiki History Listing

V2 Use this tag for artworks of card monsters from the [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] series. This is not limited to Monster cards, and also include elements, items or characters seen on Spell and Trap cards.

Updated by Miky950 Thu, Apr 04 '24, 22:45
V1 Use this tag for artworks of card monsters from the [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] series. This is not limited to Monster cards, and also include elements, items or characters seen on Spell and Trap cards.

[expand=Table of Contents]
* "Ancient Gear":#dtext-ancientgear
* "Archfiend":#dtext-archfiend
* "Blackwing":#dtext-blackwing
* "Blue-Eyes":#dtext-blue-eyes
* "Borrel":#dtext-borrel
* "Charmer":#dtext-charmer
* "Constellar":#dtext-constellar
* "Crystal":#dtext-crystal
* "Cyber":#dtext-cyber
** "Cyber Dragon":#dtext-cyber-dragon
** "Cyber Girl":#dtext-cyber-girl
* "Darklord":#dtext-darklord
* "Dark Magician":#dtext-dark-magician
* "Dinomorphia":#dtext-dinomorphia
* "Djinn":#dtext-djinn
* "Dogmatika":#dtext-dogmatika
* "Dragonmaid":#dtext-dragonmaid
* "Dragon Ruler":#dtext-dragonruler
* "Earthbound Immortal":#dtext-earthbound-immortal
* "Egyptian Gods":#dtext-egyptian-gods
* "Evil/Live Twin":#dtext-evil-live-twin
* "Exosister":#dtext-exosister
* "Evilswarm":#dtext-evilswarm
* "Fabled":#dtext-fabled
* "Floowandereeze":#dtext-floowandereeze
* "Fluffal":#dtext-fluffal
* "Fortune Lady":#dtext-fortunelady
* "Frog":#dtext-frog
* "Gagaga":#dtext-gagaga
* "Gaia the Fierce Knight":#dtext-gaia
* "Gem-Knight":#dtext-gem-knight
* "Ghostrick":#dtext-ghostrick
* "Gishki":#dtext-gishki
* "Harpie":#dtext-harpie
* "Herald":#dtext-herald
* "Heroes":#dtext-heroes
** "Destiny Hero":#dtext-destiny-hero
** "Elemental Hero":#dtext-elemental-hero
*** "Fusions":#dtext-hero-fusions
*** "Neos / Neo-Spacian":#dtext-neos
** "Evil Hero":#dtext-evil-hero
* "Ice Barrier":#dtext-ice-barrier
* "Icejade":#dtext-icejade
* "Infernity":#dtext-infernity
* "Karakuri":#dtext-karakuri
* "Kuriboh":#dtext-kuriboh
* "Labrynth":#dtext-labrynth
* "Laval":#dtext-laval
* "Lightsworn":#dtext-lightsworn
* "Lunalight":#dtext-lunalight
* "Lyrilusc":#dtext-lyrilusc
* "Madolche":#dtext-madolche
* "Magician Girl":#dtext-magician-girl
* "Malefic":#dtext-malefic
* "Marincess":#dtext-marincess
* "Meklord":#dtext-meklord
* "Melffy":#dtext-melffy
* "Melodious":#dtext-melodious
* "Mermail":#dtext-mermail
* "Monarch":#dtext-monarch
* "Naturia":#dtext-naturia
* "Number":#dtext-number
* "Orcust":#dtext-orcust
* "P.U.N.K":#dtext-punk
* "Performapal":#dtext-performapal
* "Plant Princess":#dtext-plant-princess
* "Red-Eyes":#dtext-red-eyes
* "Resonator":#dtext-resonator
* "Rite of Aramesir":#dtext-rite-of-aramesir
* "Ritual Beast":#dtext-ritualbeast
** "Spiritual Beast":#dtext-spiritualbeast
* "Sacred Beasts":#dtext-sacred-beasts
* "Shaddoll":#dtext-shaddoll
* "Signer Dragons":#dtext-signer-dragons
* "Sky Striker":#dtext-sky-striker
* "Solfachord":#dtext-solfachord
* "Spright":#dtext-spright
* "Springans":#dtext-springans
* "Subterror":#dtext-subterror
* "Swordsoul":#dtext-swordsoul
* "Tearlaments":#dtext-tearlaments
* "Toon":#dtext-toon
* "Traptrix":#dtext-traptrix
* "Tri-Brigade":#dtext-tribrigade
* "Trickstar":#dtext-trickstar
* "Unchained":#dtext-unchained
* "Valkyrie":#dtext-valkyrie
* "Vampire":#dtext-vampire
* "Vylon":#dtext-vylon
* "Wind-Up":#dtext-windup
* "Witchcrafter":#dtext-witchcrafter
* "World Chalice":#dtext-worldchalice
* "Yokai Girl":#dtext-yokai-girl
* "Zoodiac":#dtext-zoodiac
* "Other monsters":#dtext-other
** "Dragons":#dtext-dragons
** "Fiend":#dtext-fiend
** "Machine":#dtext-machine
** "Spellcaster":#dtext-spellcaster
** "Warrior":#dtext-warrior
* "Spell Cards":#dtext-spell-card
* "Trap Cards":#dtext-trap-card
** "Paleozoic":#dtext-paleozoic
* "OCG only":#dtext-ocg
* "Rush Duel":#dtext-rush
* "See also":#dtext-see-also

List of tagged monsters. This is an ongoing work-in-progress, so any contributions made will be appreciated.

h4#ancientgear. Ancient Gear
* [[Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon]]
* [[Ancient Gear Golem]]
* [[Ancient Gear Knight]]
* [[Ancient Gear Soldier]]
* [[Ancient Gear Wyvern]]

h4#archfiend. Archfiend
* [[Archfiend Black Skull Dragon]]
* [[Archfiend Eccentrick]]
* [[Archfiend Empress]]
* [[Archfiend Heiress]]
* [[Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness]]
* [[Archfiend of Gilfer]]
* [[Summoned Skull]]

h4#blackwing. Blackwing
* [[Blackwing Armed Wing]]
* [[Blackwing Armor Master]]
* [[Blackwing Blizzard the Far North]]
* [[Blackwing Bora the Spear]]
* [[Blackwing Breeze the Zephyr]]
* [[Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind]]
* [[Blackwing Kalut the Moon Shadow]]
* [[Blackwing Mistral the Silver Shield]]
* [[Blackwing Sirocco the Dawn]]
* [[Blackwing Vayu the Emblem of Honor]]

h4#blue-eyes. Blue-Eyes
* [[Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]]
** [[Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon]]
** [[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]]
* [[Blue-Eyes White Dragon]]
* [[Deep-Eyes White Dragon]]
* [[Dragon Spirit of White]]
* [[Kaibaman]]
* [[Maiden with Eyes of Blue]]
* [[Priestess with Eyes of Blue]]
* [[The White Stone of Ancients]]

h4#borrel. Borrel
* [[Borreload Dragon]]
* [[Borreload Excharge Dragon]]
* [[Borreload Furious Dragon]]
* [[Borreload Riot Dragon]]
* [[Borreload Savage Dragon]]
* [[Borrelend Dragon]]
* [[Borrelguard Dragon]]
* [[Borrelsword Dragon]]

h4#charmer. Charmer
* [[Aussa the Earth Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Aussa]]
** [[Aussa the Earth Channeler]]
* [[Dharc the Dark Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Dharc]]
** [[Dharc the Dark Charmer Gloomy]]
* [[Eria the Water Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Eria]]
* [[Hiita the Fire Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Hiita]]
** [[Hiita the Fire Charmer Ablaze]]
* [[Lyna the Light Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Lyna]]
** [[Lyna the Light Charmer Lustrous]]
* [[Wynn the Wind Charmer]]
** [[Familiar-Possessed - Wynn]]
** [[Wynn the Wind Channeler]]

h4#constellar. Constellar
* [[Constellar Hyades]]
* [[Constellar Omega]]
* [[Constellar Pleiades]]
* [[Constellar Praesepe]]
* [[Constellar Ptolemy M7]]
* [[Constellar Sombre]]

h4#crystal. Crystal
* [[Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth]]
* [[Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat]]
* [[Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle]]
* [[Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise]]
* [[Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle]]
* [[Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus]]
* [[Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger]]
* [[Crystal Keeper]]
* [[Crystal Master]]
* [[Rainbow Dragon]]
** [[Rainbow Dark Dragon]]
** [[Rainbow Dragon Overdrive]]

h4#cyber. Cyber
* [[Cyber Kirin]]
h5#cyber-dragon. Cyber Dragon
* [[Cyber Barrier Dragon]]
* [[Cyber Dragon]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Core]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Drei]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Herz]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Infinity]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Vier]]
* [[Cyber Dragon Zwei]]
* [[Cyber Eltanin]]
* [[Cyber End Dragon]]
* [[Cyber Twin Dragon]]
* [[Cyberdark Dragon]]
** [[Cyberdark Cannon]]
** [[Cyberdark Claw]]
** [[Cyberdark Keel]]
* [[Chimeratech Fortress Dragon]]
* [[Chimeratech Overdragon]]

h5#cyber-girl. Cyber Girl
* [[Blade Skater]]
* [[Cyber Angel Benten]]
* [[Cyber Angel Dakini]]
* [[Cyber Angel Vrash]]
* [[Cyber Blader]]
* [[Cyber Gymnast]]
* [[Cyber Prima]]
* [[Cyber Tutu]]
* [[Etoile Cyber]]

h4#darklord. Darklord
* [[Capricious Darklord]]
* [[Condemned Darklord]]
** [[Condemned Maiden]]
* [[Darklord Ixchel]]
* [[Darklord Marie]]
* [[Darklord Morningstar]]
* [[Darklord Nasten]]
* [[Indulged Darklord]]

h4#dark-magician. Dark Magician
* [[Apprentice Illusion Magician]]
* [[Dark Magician]]
** [[Dark Magician the Dragon Knight]]
* [[Dark Magician of Chaos]]
* [[Dark Magician Girl]]
** [[Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight]]
* [[Dark Paladin]]
* [[Ebon Illusion Magician]]
* [[Magi Magi Magician Gal]]
* [[Magician of Black Chaos]]
* [[Magician's Valkyria]]
* [[Sorcerer of Dark Magic]]

h4#dinomorphia. Dinomorphia
* [[Dinomorphia Diplos]]
* [[Dinomorphia Kentregina]]
* [[Dinomorphia Stealthbergia]]
* [[Dinomorphia Therizia]]

h4#djinn. Djinn
* [[Maestroke the Symphony Djinn]]
* [[Melomelody the Brass Djinn]]
* [[Muzurhythm the String Djinn]]
* [[Queen Dragun Djinn]]
* [[Temtempo the Percussion Djinn]]

h4#dogmatika. Dogmatika
* [[Dogmatika Ecclesia the Virtuous]]
** [[Incredible Ecclesia the Virtuous]]
* [[Dogmatika Fleurdelis the Knighted]]
** [[Despian Quaretis]]
* [[Dogmatika Genesis]]
* [[White Relic of Dogmatika]]

h4#dragonmaid. Dragonmaid
* [[Chamber Dragonmaid]]
* [[House Dragonmaid]]
** [[Dragonmaid Sheou]]
* [[Laundry Dragonmaid]]
** [[Dragonmaid Nudyarl]]
* [[Nurse Dragonmaid]]
** [[Dragonmaid Ernus]]
* [[Parlor Dragonmaid]]
** [[Dragonmaid Lorpar]]
* [[Kitchen Dragonmaid]]
** [[Dragonmaid Tinkhec]]

h4#dragonruler. Dragon Ruler
* [[Blaster Dragon Ruler of Infernos]]
** [[Burner Dragon Ruler of Sparks]]
* [[Redox Dragon Ruler of Boulders]]
** [[Reactan Dragon Ruler of Pebbles]]
* [[Tempest Dragon Ruler of Storms]]
** [[Lightning Dragon Ruler of Drafts]]
* [[Tidal Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls]]
** [[Stream Dragon Ruler of Droplets]]

h4#earthbound-immortal. Earthbound Immortal
* [[Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Cusillu]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca]]

h4#egyptian-gods. Egyptian Gods
* [[Obelisk the Tormentor]]
* [[Osiris the Sky Dragon]] / Slifer the Sky Dragon
* [[The Winged Dragon of Ra]]
** [[The Winged Dragon of Ra Sphere Mode]]
* [[The Creator God of Light Horakhty]]

h4#evil-live-twin. Evil/Live Twin
* [[Ki-sikil (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
** [[Evil Twin Ki-sikil]]
** [[Live Twin Ki-sikil]]
* [[Lil-la (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
** [[Evil Twin Lil-la]]
** [[Live Twin Lil-la]]
** [[Live Twin Lil-la Treat]]
* [[Evil Twin's Trouble Sunny]]
** [[Sunny (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
** [[Luna (dm)_(yu-gi-oh!)|Luna]]

h4#exosister. Exosister
* [[Exosister Elis]]
* [[Exosister Gibrine]]
* [[Exosister Irene]]
* [[Exosister Martha]]
* [[Exosister Mikailis]]
* [[Exosister Sofia]]
* [[Exosister Stella]]

h4#evilswarm. Evilswarm
* [[Evilswarm Bahamut]]
* [[Evilswarm Coppelia]]
* [[Evilswarm Heliotrope]]
* [[Evilswarm kerykeion]]
* [[Evilswarm Mandragora]]
* [[Evilswarm Ophion]]
* [[Evilswarm Ouroboros]]
* [[Evilswarm Thanatos]]

h4#fabled. Fabled
* [[Fabled Andwraith]]
* [[Fabled Grimro]]
* [[Fabled Krus]]
* [[Fabled Kushano]]
* [[Fabled Leviathan]]
* [[Fabled Lurrie]]
* [[Fabled Ragin]]
* [[Fabled Topi]]
* [[Fabled Urustos]]
* [[Fabled Valkyrus]]

h4#floowandereeze. Floowandereeze
* [[Floowandereeze & Eglen]]
* [[Floowandereeze & Empen]]
* [[Floowandereeze & Robina]]
* [[Floowandereeze & Stri]]
* [[Floowandereeze & Toccan]]

h4#fluffal. Fuffal
* [[Fluffal Bear]]
* [[Fluffal Leo]]
* [[Fluffal Mouse]]
* [[Fluffal Rabbit]]
* [[Fluffal Sheep]]

h4#fortunelady. Fortune Lady
* [[Fortune Lady Dark]]
* [[Fortune Lady Earth]]
* [[Fortune Lady Every]]
* [[Fortune Lady Fire]]
* [[Fortune Lady Light]]
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]]

h4#frog. Frog
* [[Amphibian Angel - Frog-Hael]]
* [[Beelze Frog]]
* [[D.3.s. Frog]]
* [[Des Croaking]]
* [[Des Frog]]
* [[Dupe Frog]]
* [[Flip Flop Frog]]
* [[Poison Draw Frog]]
* [[Ronintoadin]]
* [[Submarine Frog]]
* [[Substitoad]]
* [[Swap Frog]]
* [[T.A.D.P.O.L.E.]]
* [[Toadally Awesome]]
* [[Tradetoad]]
* [[Treeborn Frog]]
* [[Unifrog]]

h4#gagaga. Gagaga
* [[Gagaga Child]]
* [[Gagaga Clerk]]
* [[Gagaga Girl]]
* [[Gagaga Magician]]
* [[Gagaga Sister]]
* [[Zubababancho Gagagacoat]]

h4#gaia. Gaia the Fierce Knight
* [[Gaia the Dragon Champion]]
* [[Gaia the Fierce Knight]]
** [[Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight]]
* [[Gaia the Magical Knight]]
** [[Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons]]

h4#gem-knight. Gem-Knight
* [[Gem-Knight Alexandrite]]
* [[Gem-Knight Crystal]]
* [[Gem-Knight Emerald]]
* [[Gem-Knight Garnet]]
* [[Gem-Knight Lazuli]]
* [[Gem-Knight Master Diamond]]
* [[Gem-Knight Sapphire]]
* [[Gem-Knight Seraphinite]]
* [[Gem-Knight Tourmaline]]

h4#ghostrick. Ghostrick
* [[Ghostrick Alucard]]
* [[Ghostrick Angel of mischief]]
* [[Ghostrick Doll]]
* [[Ghostrick Dullahan]]
* [[Ghostrick Fairy]]
* [[Ghostrick Ghoul]]
* [[Ghostrick Jackfrost]]
* [[Ghostrick Jiangshi]]
* [[Ghostrick Lantern]]
* [[Ghostrick Mary]]
* [[Ghostrick Mummy]]
* [[Ghostrick Nekomusume]]
* [[Ghostrick Siren]]
* [[Ghostrick Skeleton]]
* [[Ghostrick Socuteboss]]
* [[Ghostrick Specter]]
* [[Ghostrick Stein]]
* [[Ghostrick Warwolf]]
* [[Ghostrick Witch]]
* [[Ghostrick Yeti]]
* [[Ghostrick Yuki-Onna]]

h4#gishki. Gishki

* [[Gishki Ariel]]
** [[Ariel Priestess of the Nekroz]]
** [[Evigishki Mind Augus]]
** [[El Shaddoll Apkallone]]
* [[Gishki Avance]]
* [[Gishki Emilia]]
** [[Dance Princess of The Nekroz]]
** [[Evigishki Merrowgeist]]
** [[Nekroz of Gungnir]]
** [[Nekroz of Sophia]]
* [[Gishki Natalia]]
* [[Gishki Noellia]]
** [[Evigishki Gustkraken]]

h4#gusto. Gusto

* [[Caam Serenity of Gusto]]
* [[Daigusto Emeral]]
* [[Daigusto Falcos]]
* [[Daigusto Gulldos]]
* [[Daigusto Laplampilica]]
* [[Daigusto Sphreez]]
* [[Gusto Codor]]
* [[Gusto Egul]]
* [[Gusto Falco]]
* [[Gusto Griffin]]
* [[Gusto Gulldo]]
* [[Gusto Squirro]]
* [[Gusto Thunbolt]]
* [[Kamui Hope of Gusto]]
* [[Musto Oracle of Gusto]]
* [[Pilica Descendant of Gusto]]
* [[Reeze Whirlwind of Gusto]]
* [[Winda Priestess of Gusto]]
** [[El Shaddoll Winda]]
*** [[Pulao]]
** [[Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda]]
* [[Windaar Sage of Gusto]]

h4#harpie. Harpie
* [[Harpie Channeler]]
* [[Harpie Dancer]]
* [[Harpie Girl]]
* [[Harpie Harpist]]
* [[Harpie Lady]]
** [[Cyber Harpie Lady]]
** [[Harpie Lady Sisters]]
** [[Harpie Lady 1]]
** [[Harpie Lady 2]]
** [[Harpie Lady 3]]
* [[Harpie Oracle]]
* [[Harpie's Pet Dragon]]
** [[Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon]]
* [[Harpie Queen]]

h4#herald. Herald
* [[Diviner of the Herald]]
* [[Herald of Orange Light]]
* [[Herald of Perfection]]
* [[Herald of Ultimateness]]

h4#heroes. Heroes
h5#destiny-hero. Destiny Hero
* [[Destiny Hero - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer]]
* [[Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster]]
* [[Destiny Hero - Malicious]]
* [[Destiny Hero - Plasma]]

h5#elemental-hero. Elemental Hero
* [[Elemental Hero Avian]]
* [[Elemental Hero Bladedge]]
* [[Elemental Hero Blazeman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Bubbleman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Burstinatrix]]
* [[Elemental Hero Captain Gold]]
* [[Elemental Hero Clayman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Flash]]
* [[Elemental Hero Heat]]
* [[Elemental Hero Ice Edge]]
* [[Elemental Hero Knospe]]
** [[Elemental Hero Poison Rose]]
* [[Elemental Hero Lady Heat]]
* [[Elemental Hero Necroshade]]
* [[Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Ocean]]
* [[Elemental Hero Prisma]]
* [[Elemental Hero Sparkman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Stratos]]
* [[Elemental Hero Voltic]]
* [[Elemental Hero Wildheart]]
* [[Elemental Hero Woodsman]]

h6#hero-fusions. Fusions
* [[Elemental Hero Absolute Zero]]
* [[Elemental Hero Darkbright]]
* [[Elemental Hero Electrum]]
* [[Elemental Hero Escuridao]]
* [[Elemental Hero Flame Wingman]]
** [[Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman]]
*** [[Elemental Hero Shining Neos Wingman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Gaia]]
* [[Elemental Hero Great Tornado]]
* [[Elemental Hero Inferno]]
* [[Elemental Hero Mariner]]
* [[Elemental Hero Mudballman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Nova Master]]
* [[Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer]]
** [[Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer]]
* [[Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster]]
* [[Elemental Hero Steam Healer]]
* [[Elemental Hero Sunrise]]
* [[Elemental Hero Tempest]]
* [[Elemental Hero Terra Firma]]
* [[Elemental Hero The Shining]]
* [[Elemental Hero Thunder Giant]]
* [[Elemental Hero Wild Wingman]]
* [[Elemental Hero Wildedge]]

h6#neos. Neos / Neo-Spacian
* [[Elemental Hero Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Air Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Aqua Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Chaos Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Cosmo Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Dark Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Divine Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Flare Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Glow Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Grand Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Neos Knight]]
** [[Elemental Hero Magma Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Marine Neos]]
** [[Elemental Hero Storm Neos]]
** [[Rainbow Neos]]
* [[Elemental Hero Neos Alius]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Dark Panther]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Glow Moss]]
* [[Neo-Spacian Grand Mole]]

h5#evil-hero. Evil Hero
* [[Evil Hero Dark Gaia]]
* [[Evil Hero Inferno Wing]]
* [[Evil Hero Malicious Edge]]

h4#ice-barrier. Ice Barrier
* [[Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Geomancer of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Gungnir Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Prior of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Warlock of the Ice Barrier]]

h4#icejade. Icejade
* [[Icejade Acti]]
* [[Icejade Aegirine]]
* [[Icejade Kosmochlor]]
* [[Icejade Tinola]]
* [[Icejade Tremora]]

h4#infernity. Infernity
* [[Infernity Archfiend]]
* [[Infernity Beetle]]
* [[Infernity Doom Dragon]]
* [[Infernity Launcher]]
* [[Infernity Necromancer]]

h4#karakuri. Karakuri
* [[Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 Ninishi]]
* [[Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 Sazank]]
* [[Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 Kuick]]
* [[Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 Burei]]
* [[Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 Nisamu]]
* [[Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 Saizan]]

h4#kuriboh. Kuriboh
* [[Kuriboh]]
* [[Kuribah]]
* [[Kuribeh]]
* [[Kuribee]]
* [[Kuribon]]
* [[Kuriboo (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Kurivolt]]
* [[Linkuriboh]]
* [[Magikuriboh]]
* [[Winged Kuriboh]]
* [[Wretched Ghost of the Attic]]

h4#labrynth. Labrynth
* [[Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle]]
* [[Arianna The Labrynth Servant]]
* [[Arianne The Labrynth Servant]]
* [[Labrynth Archfiend]]
* [[Labrynth Chandraglier]]
* [[Labrynth Cooclock]]
* [[Labrynth Stovie Torbie]]
* [[Knight (yu-gi-oh!)|]]

h4#laval. Laval
* [[Laval Cannon]]
* [[Laval Forest Sprite]]
* [[Laval Lakeside Lady]]
* [[Laval Magma Cannoneer]]
* [[Laval Volcano Handmaiden]]
* [[Lavalval Chain]]
* [[Lavalval Dragon]]
* [[Lavalval Dragun]]

h4#lightsworn. Lightsworn
* [[Aurkus Lightsworn Druid]]
* [[Celestia Lightsworn Angel]]
* [[Ehren Lightsworn Monk]]
* [[Felis Lightsworn Archer]]
* [[Garoth Lightsworn Warrior]]
* [[Gragonith Lightsworn Dragon]]
* [[Jain Lightsworn Paladin]]
* [[Jenis Lightsworn Mender]]
* [[Lumina Lightsworn Summoner]]
* [[Lyla Lightsworn Sorceress]]
* [[Michael the Arch-Lightsworn]]
* [[Minerva Lightsworn Maiden]]
** [[Minerva the Exalted Lightsworn]]
* [[Rinyan Lightsworn Rogue]]
* [[Ryko Lightsworn Hunter]]
* [[Wulf Lightsworn Beast]]
* [[Judgement Dragon]]

h4#lunalight. Lunalight
* [[Lunalight Baker]]
* [[Lunalight Black Sheep]]
* [[Lunalight Blue Cat]]
* [[Lunalight Cat Dancer]]
* [[Lunalight Crimson Fox]]
* [[Lunalight Leo Dancer]]
* [[Lunalight Panther Dancer]]
* [[Lunalight Purple Butterfly]]
* [[Lunalight Tiger]]
* [[Lunalight White Rabbit]]
* [[Lunalight Wolf]]
* [[Lunalight Yellow Marten]]

h4#lyrilusc. Lyrilusc
* [[Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale]]
* [[Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary]]
* [[Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail]]
* [[Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin]]
* [[Lyrilusc - Recital Starling]]

h4#madolche. Madolche
* [[Madolche Anjelly]]
* [[Madolche Baaple]]
* [[Madolche Butlerusk]]
* [[Madolche Chickolates]]
* [[Madolche Chouxvalier]]
* [[Madolche Cruffssant]]
* [[Madolche Fresh Sistart]]
* [[Madolche Hootcake]]
* [[Madolche Magileine]]
* [[Madolche Marmalmaide]]
* [[Madolche Messengelato]]
* [[Madolche Mewfeuille]]
* [[Madolche Puddingcess]]
* [[Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-A-La-Mode]]
* [[Madolche Queen Tiaramisu]]
* [[Madolche Teacher Glassouffle]]

h4#magician-girl. Magician Girl

* [[Apple Magician Girl]]
* [[Berry Magician Girl]]
* [[Chocolate Magician Girl]]
* [[Kiwi Magician Girl]]
* [[Lemon Magician Girl]]

h4#marincess. Marincess
* [[Marincess Aqua Argonaut]]
* [[Marincess Great Bubble Reef]]
* [[Marincess Sea Angel]]
* [[Marincess Sea Horse]]
* [[Marincess Sleepy Maiden]]
* [[Marincess Springirl]]

h4#meklord. Meklord
* [[Meklord Army of Granel]]
* [[Meklord Army of Skiel]]
* [[Meklord Army of Wisel]]
* [[Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk]]
* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]]
* [[Meklord Emperor Granel]]
* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel]]
* [[Meklord Emperor Wisel]]

h4#malefic. Malefic
* [[Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon]]
* [[Malefic Paradox Dragon]]
* [[Malefic Parallel Gear]]
* [[Malefic Rainbow Dragon]]
* [[Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon]]
* [[Malefic Stardust Dragon]]
* [[Malefic Truth Dragon]]

h4#melffy. Melffy
* [[Melffy Catty]]
* [[Melffy Fenny]]
* [[Melffy Puppy]]
* [[Melffy Mommy]]
* [[Melffy Rabby]]

h4#melodious. Melodious
* [[Aria the Melodious Diva]]
* [[Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir]]
* [[Bloom Prima the Melodious Choir]]
* [[Canon the Melodious Diva]]
* [[Elegy the Melodious Diva]]
* [[Opera the Melodious Diva]]
* [[Sonata the Melodious Diva]]

h4#mermail. Mermail
* [[Mermail Abyssdine]]
* [[Mermail Abyssgunde]]
* [[Mermail Abysshilde]]
* [[Mermail Abysslinde]]
* [[Mermail Abysstrite]]

h4#monarch. Monarch
* [[Caius the Mega Monarch]]
** [[Caius the Shadow Monarch]]
* [[Delg the Dark Monarch]]
* [[Granmarg the rock Monarch]]
* [[Kuraz the Light Monarch]]
* [[Mobius the Frost Monarch]]
* [[Raiza the Storm Monarch]]
* [[Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch]]
* [[Zaborg the Thunder Monarch]]

h4#naturia. Naturia
* [[Naturia Bamboo Shoot]]
* [[Naturia Barkion]]
* [[Naturia Beetle]]
* [[Naturia Butterfly]]
* [[Naturia Dragonfly]]
* [[Naturia Eggplant]]
* [[Naturia Exterio]]
* [[Naturia Hydrangea]]
* [[Naturia Landoise]]
* [[Naturia Mantis]]
* [[Naturia Marron]]
* [[Naturia Rock]]
* [[Naturia Strawberry]]
* [[Naturia White Oak]]

h4#number. Number
* [[Number F0 Utopic Future]]
** [[Number F0 Utopic Draco Future]]
* [[Number 5 Doom Chimera Dragon]]
* [[Number 6 Chronomaly Atlandis]]
* [[Number 11 Big Eye]]
* [[Number 13 Embodiment of Crime]]
* [[Number 15 Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder]]
* [[Number 17 Leviathan Dragon]]
* [[Number 21 Frozen Lady Justice]]
* [[Number 22 Zombiestein]]
* [[Number 29 Mannequin Cat]]
* [[Number 31 Embodiment of Punishment]]
* [[Number 32 Shark Drake]]
** [[Number C32 Shark Drake Veiss]]
* [[Number 33 Chronomaly Machu Mech]]
* [[Number 39 Utopia]]
** [[Number 39 Utopia Beyond]]
* [[Number 42 Galaxy Tomahawk]]
* [[Number 46 Dragluon]]
* [[Number 47 Nightmare Shark]]
* [[Number 48 Shadow Lich]]
* [[Number 50 Blackship of Corn]]
* [[Number 59 Crooked Cook]]
* [[Number 62 Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon]]
* [[Number 63 Shamoji Soldier]]
* [[Number 72 Shogi Rook]]
* [[Number 75 Bamboozling Gossip Shadow]]
* [[Number 79 Battlin' Boxer Nova Caesar]]
* [[Number 83 Galaxy Queen]]
* [[Number 86 Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad]]
* [[Number 88 Gimmick Puppet of Leo]]
** [[Number C88 Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo]]
* [[Number 91 Thunder Spark Dragon]]
* [[Number 99 Utopia Dragonar]]
* [[Number 101 Silent Honor Ark]]
* [[Number 107 Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon]]

h4#orcust. Orcust
* [[Longirsu the Orcust Orchestrator]]
** [[Dingirsu the Orcust of the Evening Star]]
* [[Galatea the Orcust Automaton]]
* [[Orcust Knightmare]]
* [[Orcust Harp Horror]]

h4#punk. P.U.N.K
* [[Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon]]
* [[Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note]]
* [[Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance]]
* [[Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin]]
* [[Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai]]

h4#performapal. Performapal
* [[Performapal Corn]]
* [[Performapal Hip Hippo]]
* [[Performapal Kaleidoscorp]]
* [[Performapal Monkeyboard]]
* [[Performapal Muffler Lion]]
* [[Performapal Uni]]
* [[Performapal Whip Snake]]

h4#plant-princess. Plant Princess
* [[Chirubime Princess of Autumn Leaves]]
* [[Marina Princess of Sunflowers]]
* [[Talaya Princess of Cherry Blossoms]]
* [[Tytannial Princess of Camellias]]

h4#red-eyes. Red-Eyes
* [[Black Skull Dragon]]
* [[Lord of the Red]]
* [[Meteor Black Dragon]]
** [[Meteor Black Comet Dragon]]
* [[Black Dragon's Chick]]
* [[Red-Eyes Black Dragon]]
** [[Red-Eyes Alternate Black Dragon]]
** [[Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword]]
** [[Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Retro Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Slash Dragon]]
* [[Red-Eyes Wyvern]]
* [[Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon]]

h4#resonator. Resonator
* [[Clock Resonator]]
* [[Dark Resonator]]
* [[Double Resonator]]
* [[Flare Resonator]]
* [[Force Resonator]]

h4#rite-of-aramesir. Rite of Aramesir
* [[Magicore Warrior of the Relics]]
* [[Wandering Gryphon Rider]]
* [[Water Enchantress of the Temple]]

h4#ritualbeast. Ritual Beast
* [[Ritual Beast Tamer Elder]]
* [[Ritual Beast Tamer Lara]]
* [[Ritual Beast Tamer Wen]]
** [[Ritual Beast Tamer Zefrawendi]]
** [[Reeshaddoll Wendi]]
* [[Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio]]
* [[Ritual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin]]
h5#spiritualbeast. Spiritual Beast
* [[Spiritual Beast Apelio]]
* [[Spiritual Beast Pettlephin]]
* [[Spiritual Beast Rampengu]]

h4#sacred-beasts. Sacred Beasts
* [[Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder]]
* [[Uria Lord of Searing Flames]]
* [[Raviel Lord of Phantasms]]
* [[Armityle the Chaos Phantom]]

h4#shaddoll. Shaddoll
* [[El Shaddoll Construct]]
* [[El Shaddoll Shekhinaga]]
* [[El Shaddoll Wendigo]]
* [[Shaddoll Beast]]
* [[Shaddoll Dragon]]
* [[Shaddoll Falco]]
* [[Shaddoll Hedgehog]]
* [[Shaddoll Hound]]
* [[Shaddoll Squamata]]

h4#signer-dragons. Signer Dragons
* [[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]
* [[Black Rose Dragon]]
** [[Blue Rose Dragon]]
** [[Red Rose Dragon]]
** [[White Rose Dragon]]
* [[Black-Winged dragon]]
* [[Power Tool Dragon]]
** [[Life Stream Dragon]]
* [[Red Dragon Archfiend]]
** [[Majestic Red Dragon]]
** [[Red Nova Dragon]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]
** [[Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode]]
** [[Shooting Star Dragon]]
** [[Shooting Star Dragon T.G. EX]]
** [[Majestic Star Dragon]]
** [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]
** [[Stardust Synchron]]
** [[Stardust Wurm]]

h4#sky-striker. Sky Striker
* [[Sky Striker Ace - Raye]]
** [[Sky Striker Ace - Kagari]]
* [[Sky Striker Ace - Roze]]

h4#solfachord. Solfachord
* [[Dosolfachord Coolia]]
* [[Dosolfachord Cutia]]
* [[Fasolfachord Fancia]]
* [[Misolfachord Eliteia]]
* [[Resolfachord Dreamia]]
* [[Solsolfachord Gracia]]

h4#spright. Spright
* [[Spright Blue]]
* [[Spright Carrot]]
* [[Spright Jet]]
* [[Spright Red]]

h4#springans. Springans
* [[Springans Branga]]
* [[Springans Captain Sargas]]
* [[Springans Kitt]]
* [[Springans Pedor]]
* [[Springans Rockey]]

h4#subterror. Subterror
* [[Subterror Fiendess]]
** [[Subterror Behemoth Fiendess]]
* [[Subterror Guru]]
* [[Subterror Nemesis Archer]]

h4#swordsoul. Swordsoul
* [[Swordsoul of Mo Ye]]
* [[Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan Sword]]
** [[Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan]]
* [[The Iris Swordsoul]]
* [[The Golden Swordsoul]]

h4#tearlaments. Tearlaments
* [[Tearlaments Havnis]]
* [[Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart]]
* [[Tearlaments Kitkallos]]
* [[Tearlaments Scheiren]]

h4#toon. Toon
* [[Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon]]
* [[Dark Rabbit]]
* [[Manga Ryu Ran]]
* [[Red-Eyes Toon Dragon]]
* [[Toon Ancient Gear Golem]]
* [[Toon Cannon Soldier]]
* [[Toon Dark Magician Girl]]
* [[Toon Mermaid]]
* [[Toon Summoned Skull]]

h4#traptrix. Traptrix
* [[Traptrix Allomerus]]
* [[Traptrix Atrax]]
* [[Traptrix Cularia]]
* [[Traptrix Dionaea]]
* [[Traptrix Genlisea]]
* [[Traptrix Mantis]]
* [[Traptrix Myrmeleo]]
* [[Traptrix Nepenthes]]
* [[Traptrix Rafflesia]]
* [[Traptrix Sera]]
* [[Traptrix Vesiculo]]

h4#tribrigade. Tri-Brigade
* [[Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom]]
* [[Tri-Brigade Kitt]]
* [[Tri-Brigade Mercourier]]
* [[Tri-Brigade Rugal the Silver Sheller]]
* [[Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen]]

h4#trickstar. Trickstar
* [[Trickstar Candina]]
* [[Trickstar Black Catbat]]
* [[Trickstar Corobane]]
* [[Trickstar Holly Angel]]
* [[Trickstar Lilybell]]
* [[Trickstar Lycoris]]
* [[Trickstar Black Catbat]]

h4#unchained. Unchained
* [[Unchained Abomination]]
* [[Unchained Soul of Anguish]]
* [[Unchained Soul of Rage]]
* [[Unchained Twins - Aruha]]
* [[Unchained Twins - Rakea]]

h4#valkyrie. Valkyrie
* [[Valkyrie Brunhilde]]
* [[Valkyrie Dritte]]
* [[Valkyrie Erda]]
* [[Valkyrie Erste]]
* [[Valkyrie Sigrun]]
* [[Valkyrie Zweite]]

h4#vampire. Vampire

* [[Crimson Knight Vampire Bram]]
* [[Shadow Vampire]]
* [[Vampire's Curse]]
* [[Vampire Baby]]
* [[Vampire Dragon]]
* [[Vampire Duke]]
* [[Vampire Fraulein]]
* [[Vampire Genesis]]
* [[Vampire Grace]]
* [[Vampire Lord]]
* [[Vampire Sorcerer]]
* [[Vampire Sucker]]
* [[Vampire Vamp]]

h4#vylon. Vylon
* [[Vylon Alpha]]
* [[Vylon Cube]]
* [[Vylon Delta]]
* [[Vylon Omega]]
* [[Vylon Sphere]]

h4#windup. Wind-Up
* [[Wind-Up Bat]]
* [[Wind-Up Honeybee]]
* [[Wind-Up Knight]]
* [[Wind-Up Rabbit]]
* [[Wind-Up Rat]]
* [[Wind-Up Shark]]
* [[Wind-Up Snail]]
* [[Wind-Up Soldier]]
* [[Wind-up Zenmaister]]

h4#witchcrafter. Witchcrafter
* [[Witchcrafter Madame Verre]]
** [[Rilliona the Magistus of Verre]]
* [[Witchcrafter Edel]]
* [[Witchcrafter Genni]]
* [[Witchcrafter Golem Aruru]]
** [[Ninaruru the Magistus Glass Goddess]]
* [[Witchcrafter Haine]]
* [[Witchcrafter Pittore]]
* [[Witchcrafter Potterie]]
* [[Witchcrafter Schmietta]]

h4#worldchalice. World Chalice
* [[Beckoned by the World Chalice]]
* [[Chosen by the World Chalice]]
* [[Crowned by the World Chalice]]
** [[Ib the World Chalice Justiciar]]
** [[Knightmare Corruptor Iblee]]
** [[Lib the World Key Blademaster]]
** [[Knightmare Incarnation Idlee]]
* [[World Chalice Guardragon]]

h4#yokai-girl. Yokai Girl
* [[Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring]]
* [[Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion]]
* [[Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit]]
* [[Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill]]
* [[Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries]]
* [[Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood]]

h4#zoodiac. Zoodiac
* [[Zoodiac Bunnyblast]]
* [[Zoodiac Chakanine]]
* [[Zoodiac Drident]]
* [[Zoodiac Tigermortar]]

h4#other. Other monsters
* [[Accesscode Talker]]
* [[Akz the Pumer]]
* [[Alector Sovereign of Birds]]
* [[Alien Hypno]]
* [[Alien Telepath]]
* [[Alien Warrior]]
* [[Alligator's Sword]]
* [[Amabie (Yu-Gi-Oh!)|]]
* [[Angel of Zera]]
* [[Ape Fighter]]
* [[Apollousa Bow of the Goddess]]
* [[Aquarian Alessa]]
* [[Aromage Jasmine]]
** [[Aromaseraphy Jasmine]]
* [[Aromage Rosemary]]
** [[Aromaseraphy Rosemary]]
* [[Aromaseraphy Angelica]]
* [[Artifact Lancea]]
* [[Artifact Scythe]]
* [[Baby Raccoon Ponpoko]]
* [[Backup Operator]]
* [[Backup Secretary]]
* [[Bahamut Shark]]
* [[Battle Ox]]
* [[Beast King Barbaros]]
* [[Beatrice Lady of the Eternal]]
* [[Beaver Warrior]]
* [[Behemoth the King of All Animals]]
* [[Berserk Gorilla]]
* [[Big Piece Golem]]
** [[Medium Piece Golem]]
** [[Small Piece Golem]]
* [[Bitron]]
* [[Black Ray Lancer]]
* [[Blazing Inpachi]]
* [[Botanical Girl]]
* [[Bujin Yamato]]
* [[Bunilla]]
* [[Cat Shark]]
* [[Catapult Turtle]]
* [[Chaos Goddess]]
* [[Charming Resort Staff]]
* [[Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast]]
* [[Cloudian - Altus]]
* [[Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar]]
* [[Counselor Lily]]
* [[CXyz Dark Fairy Cheer Girl]]
* [[D.D. Crow]]
* [[Dakki the Graceful Mayakashi]]
* [[Dancing Fairy]]
* [[Dandylion]]
* [[Danger! Bigfoot!]]
* [[Danger!? Jackalope?]]
* [[Danger! Nessie!]]
* [[Dark Valkyria]]
* [[Dark Witch (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Decode Talker]]
* [[Denko Sekka]]
* [[Digitron]]
* [[Dogoran the Mad Flame Kaiju]]
* [[Dragunity Dux]]
* [[Dunames Dark Witch]]
* [[Dungeon Worm]]
* [[Elder Entity N'tss]]
* [[Eldlich the Golden Lord]]
* [[Esper Girl]]
* [[Esperade the Smashing Superstar]]
* [[Eva (yu-gi-oh!)]]
* [[Fairy Cheer Girl]]
* [[Fairy Tail Luna]]
* [[Fairy Tail Rella]]
* [[Fairy Tail Sleeper]]
* [[Fairy Tail Snow]]
* [[Fire King Avatar Yaksha]]
* [[Fire King High Avatar Garunix]]
* [[Flamvell Firedog]]
* [[Flying Elephant (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Folgo Justice Fur Hire]]
* [[Fortress Whale]]
* [[Fox Fire (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
** [[Inari Fire]]
* [[Freya Spirit of Victory]]
* [[Frog the Jam]]
* [[Fusion Parasite]]
* [[Gadarla the Mystery Dust Kaiju]]
* [[Garnecia Elefantis]]
* [[Gernia]]
* [[Ghost Fairy Elfobia]]
* [[Gigobyte]]
** [[Gagagigo]]
** [[Gagagigo the Risen]]
** [[Giga Gagagigo]]
** [[Gogiga Gagagigo (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Goblin Zombie]]
* [[Gokibore]]
* [[Graydle Slime]]
* [[Green Phantom King]]
* [[Gren Maju Da Eiza]]
* [[Guardian Dreadscythe]]
* [[Guardian Eatos]]
* [[Gunkan Suship Ikura]]
* [[Gyakutenno Megami]]
* [[Haniwa (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Happy Lover]]
* [[Harvest Angel of Wisdom]]
* [[Hitotsu-Me Giant]]
* [[Honest (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Huginn Wings of the Mysterune]]
* [[Hushed Psychic Cleric]]
* [[Hyper Psychic Blaster]]
* [[Hypnosister]]
* [[I:P Masquerena]]
* [[Ikelos the Dream Mirror Mara]]
* [[Ikelos the Dream Mirror Sprite]]
* [[Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor]]
* [[Injection Fairy Lily]]
* [[Inmato]]
* [[Insect Monster Token]]
* [[Insect Queen]]
* [[Inzektor Centipede]]
* [[Inzektor Dragonfly]]
* [[Inzektor Hornet]]
* [[Isolde Belle of the Underworld]]
* [[Jerry Beans Man]]
* [[Jet Synchron]]
* [[Jirai Gumo]]
* [[Kagetokage]]
* [[Kaien the Emissary of Darkness]]
* [[Key Mace]]
* [[Key Mace 2]]
* [[Krebons]]
* [[Kurikara Divincarnate]]
* [[Labyrinth Wall]]
** [[Wall Shadow (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Larvae Moth]]
* [[Lock Cat]]
* [[Maiden of the Aqua]]
* [[Mammoth Graveyard]]
* [[Mardel Generaider Boss of Light]]
* [[Marionette Mite]]
* [[Marshmallon]]
* [[Maxx C]]
* [[Mayosenju Daibak]]
* [[Mekk-Knight Blue Sky]]
* [[Metaion the Time Lord]]
* [[Millennium Scorpion]]
* [[Mind Master]]
* [[Missus Radiant]]
* [[Mist Valley Falcon]]
* [[Mist Valley Shaman]]
* [[Mokey Mokey]]
* [[Monster Lord]]
* [[Mushroom Man]]
* [[Mystic Tomato]]
* [[Mystical Sand]]
* [[Necroface]]
* [[Nekogal #1]]
* [[Nekogal #2]]
* [[Nibiru the Primal Being]]
* [[Nightmare Penguin]]
* [[Nimble Angler]]
* [[Nimble Manta]]
* [[Nimble Sunfish]]
* [[Ninaruru the Magistus Glass Goddess]]
* [[Nopenguin]]
* [[Numen erat Testudo]]
** [[Testudo Erat Numen]]
* [[Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin]]
* [[Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus]]
* [[Odin Father of the Aesir]]
* [[Ojama Black]]
* [[Ojama Green]]
* [[Ojama Yellow]]
* [[Old Entity Chthugha]]
* [[Ooguchi]]
* [[Orichalcos Gigas]]
* [[Panther Warrior]]
* [[Parallel eXceed]]
* [[Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth]]
* [[Petit Angel]]
* [[Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis]]
* [[Predaplant Chimerafflesia]]
* [[Predaplant Verte Anaconda]]
* [[Prediction Princess Coinorma]]
* [[Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar]]
* [[Princess Cologne]]
* [[Protron]]
* [[Psy-Frame Driver]]
* [[Psy-Framegear Gamma]]
* [[Psychic Lifetrancer]]
* [[Pumpking the King of Ghosts]]
* [[Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts]]
* [[Queen of Autumn Leaves]]
* [[Queen of Thorns]]
* [[Raidraptor - Rise Falcon]]
* [[Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon]]
* [[Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius]]
* [[Red Archery Girl]]
* [[Red Ogre]]
* [[Regulus (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Reptilianne Lamia]]
* [[Reptilianne Naga]]
* [[Reptilianne Servant]]
* [[Reptilianne Viper]]
* [[Rescue Cat]]
* [[Rescue Ferret]]
* [[Rescue Hamster]]
* [[Rescue Rabbit]]
* [[Revival Jam]]
* [[Rikka Queen Strenna]]
* [[Ritual Raven]]
* [[Rose Papillon]]
* [[Royal Firestorm Guards]]
* [[Ruin Queen of Oblivion]]
** [[Ruin Supreme Queen of Oblivion]]
* [[Scrap Kong]]
* [[Sephylon the Ultimate Time lord]]
* [[Serene Psychic Witch]]
* [[Serpentine Princess]]
* [[S-Force Justify]]
* [[Shadow Ghoul (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Shaman of the Tenyi]]
* [[Shiba-Warrior Taro]]
* [[Shining Friendship]]
* [[Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy]]
* [[Shiranui Spectralsword]]
** [[Shiranui Spectralsword Shade]]
* [[Shiranui Squire]]
* [[Silent Paladin]]
* [[Silent Psychic Wizard]]
* [[Simorgh Bird of Sovereignty]]
* [[Simorgh Lord of the Storm ]]
** [[Dark Simorgh]]
* [[Sishunder]]
* [[Skull Servant]]
* [[Skullbird]]
* [[Sky Cavalry Centaurea]]
* [[Sky Scout]]
* [[Snowdrop the Rikka Fairy]]
* [[Sonic Chick]]
* [[Sophia Goddess of Rebirth]]
* [[Spirit of the Harp]]
* [[Spore (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[St. Joan (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Staysailor Romarin]]
* [[Stealth Bird]]
* [[Sunlight Unicorn]]
* [[Supersonic Skull Flame]]
* [[Sweet Corn]]
* [[Terrorking Salmon]]
* [[The 13th Grave]]
* [[True King of All Calamities]]
* [[The Weather Painter Rainbow]]
** [[The Weather Painter Moonbow]]
* [[The Weather Painter Snow]]
* [[The Wicked Worm Beast]]
* [[Thor Lord of the Aesir]]
* [[Thunder King the Lightningstrike Kaiju]]
* [[Time Thief Winder]]
* [[Turu-Purun]]
* [[Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant]]
* [[Valkyrion the Magna Warrior]]
* [[Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes]]
* [[Venom Cobra]]
* [[Victoria (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Volcanic Counter]]
* [[Volcanic Doomfire]]
* [[Volcanic Rocket]]
* [[Vorse Raider]]
* [[Watapon]]
* [[Water Omotics]]
* [[Wattcobra]]
* [[Wattgiraffe]]
* [[Watthopper]]
* [[Wattpheasant]]
* [[White Papillon]]
* [[White Potan]]
* [[World Carrotweight Champion]]
* [[Worm Falco]]
* [[Worm King]]
* [[Worm Queen (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Yazi Evil of the Yang Zing]]
* [[Yuki-Onna the Ice Mayakashi]]
** [[Yuki-Musume the Ice Mayakashi]]
** [[Yuki-Onna the Absolute Zero Mayakashi]]
* [[Zombowwow]]

h5#dragons. Dragons
* [[Armed Dragon]]
** [[Dark Armed Dragon]]
** [[Armed Dragon Thunder]]
* [[Baby Dragon]]
* [[Baby Tiragon]]
* [[Blizzard Dragon]]
* [[Buster Dragon]]
* [[Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman]]
* [[Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End]]
* [[Chthonian Emperor Dragon]]
* [[Clear Wing Synchro Dragon]]
** [[Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon]]
* [[Curse of Dragon]]
* [[Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon]]
* [[Delta Flyer]]
* [[DDD Doom King Armageddon]]
* [[Divine Dragon Ragnarok]]
* [[Doom Virus Dragon]]
* [[Dragon Master Knight]]
* [[Dragunity Phalanx]]
* [[Eclipse Wyvern]]
* [[Exploder Dragonwing]]
* [[Fallen of Albaz]]
** [[Albion the Shrouded Dragon]]
** [[Albaz the Ashen]]
* [[Firewall Dragon]]
* [[Five-Headed Dragon]]
* [[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon]]
** [[Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon]]
* [[Gandora the Dragon of Destruction]]
** [[Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition]]
* [[Guardragon Justicia]]
* [[Horus the Black Flame Dragon]]
* [[Hundred Eyes Dragon]]
* [[Kachi Kochi Dragon]]
* [[King Dragun]]
* [[Light and Darkness Dragon]]
* [[Luster Dragon]]
* [[Luster Dragon 2]]
* [[Majestic Dragon]]
* [[Masked Dragon]]
* [[Meteor Dragon]]
* [[Mirage Dragon]]
* [[Mythic Tree Dragon]]
* [[Mythic Water Dragon]]
* [[Nekroz of Decisive Armor]]
* [[Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon]]
** [[Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon]]
** [[Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon]]
** [[Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon]]
** [[Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon]]
* [[Paladin of White Dragon]]
* [[Petit Dragon]]
* [[Poseidra the Atlantean Dragon]]
* [[Prime Material Dragon]]
* [[Punishment Dragon]]
* [[Rokket Tracer]]
* [[Spear Dragon]]
* [[Star Eater]]
* [[Stardust Trail]]
* [[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon]]
* [[Strong Wind Dragon]]
* [[The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave]]
* [[Totem Dragon]]
* [[Tyrant Dragon]]
* [[Victory Dragon]]
* [[Void Ogre Dragon]]
* [[White Dragon Ninja]]
* [[White Night Dragon]]
* [[Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #1]]
* [[Yamata Dragon]]

h5#fiend. Fiend
* [[Abyss Actor Leading Lady]]
* [[Abyss Actor Sassy Rookie]]
* [[Amanokujaki]]
* [[Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds]]
* [[Beat Cop from the Underworld]]
* [[Bickuribox]]
* [[Blackbeard the Plunder Patroll Captain]]
* [[Broww Huntsman of Dark World]]
* [[Crashbug X]]
* [[Crashbug Z]]
* [[Dark Master - Zorc]]
* [[Dark Mimic]]
* [[Dark Necrofear]]
* [[Dark Ruler Ha Des]]
* [[Demise King of Armageddon]]
* [[Diabound]]
* [[Dystopia the Despondent]]
* [[Eater of Millions]]
* [[Frightfur Bear]]
* [[Frightfur Leo]]
* [[Goblin King (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Goblin of Greed]]
* [[Gorz the Emissary of Darkness]]
* [[Gravitic Orb]]
* [[Invader of Darkness]]
* [[Kiseitai]]
* [[Kozaky]]
* [[La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp]]
* [[Lava Golem (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Lilith Lady of Lament]]
* [[Lord of the Lamp]]
* [[Luna the Dark Spirit]]
* [[Meda Bat]]
* [[Medusa Watcher of the Evil Eye]]
* [[Morinphen]]
* [[Mystery Hand]]
* [[Outer God Azathoth]]
* [[Outer God Nyarla]]
* [[Puppet Master]]
* [[Putrid Pudding Body Buddies]]
* [[Red Blossoms from Underroot]]
* [[Renge Gatekeeper of Dark World]]
* [[Sangan]]
* [[Sky Scourge Norleras]]
* [[Snipe Hunter]]
* [[Snoww Unlight of Dark World]]
* [[Steelswarm Caller]]
* [[Steelswarm Hercules]]
* [[The Earl of Demise]]
* [[Tour Guide from the Underworld]]
** [[Tour Bus from the Underworld]]
* [[The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams]]
* [[The Wicked Avatar]]
* [[Unchained Twins - Aruha]]
* [[Unchained Twins - Rakea]]
* [[Underworld Goddess of the Closed World]]
* [[Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan]]
* [[Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu]]
* [[Virtual World Oto-Hime - Toutou]]
* [[Yata-Garasu (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Yubel]]
** [[Yubel - Terror Incarnate]]
* [[Zera the Mant]]
* [[Zoa]]

h5#machine. Machine
* [[Acrobat Monkey]]
* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]
* [[Ally of Justice Core Destroyer]]
* [[Ally Salvo]]
* [[Apoqliphort Towers]]
* [[Armory Arm]]
* [[Barrel Dragon]]
* [[Cardcar D]]
* [[Cracking Dragon]]
* [[Divine Arsenal AA-Zeus - Sky Thunder]]
* [[Drytron Alpha Thuban]]
* [[Drytron Meteonis Draconids]]
* [[Drytron Zeta Aldhibah]]
* [[Fiendish Engine Omega]]
* [[Formula Synchron]]
* [[Geargiano]]
* [[Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll]]
* [[Gimmick Puppet Egg Head]]
* [[Gold Gadget]]
* [[Inpachi]]
* [[Invoked Mechaba]]
* [[Jinzo (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
** [[Jinzo #7]]
* [[Labyrinth Tank]]
* [[Launcher Spider]]
* [[Locomotion R-Genex]]
* [[Majestic Mech - Goryu]]
* [[Majestic Mech - Senku]]
* [[Mecha Dog Marron]]
* [[Metalzoa]]
* [[Morphtronic Boomboxen]]
* [[Pendulum Machine]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]]
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]
* [[Silver Gadget]]
* [[Slot Machine (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Stealthroid]]
* [[Strikeroid]]
* [[Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max]]
* [[Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei]]
* [[Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo]]
* [[T.G. Blade Blaster]]
* [[T.G. Halberd Cannon]]
* [[Therion Irregular]]
* [[Turboroid]]
* [[UFOroid]]
* [[XYZ-Dragon Cannon]]

h5#spellcaster. Spellcaster
* [[Akashic Magician]]
* [[Alchemic Magician]]
* [[Aleister the Invoker]]
** [[Crowley the Magistus of Grimoires]]
* [[Allure Queen]]
* [[Altergeist Hexstia]]
* [[Ancient Elf]]
* [[Artemis the Magistus Moon Maiden]]
* [[Astrograph Sorcerer]]
* [[Beyond the Pendulum]]
* [[Blizzard Princess]]
* [[Breaker the Magical Warrior]]
* [[Card Ejector]]
* [[Chronograph Sorcerer]]
* [[Clara & Rushka - the Ventriloduo]]
* [[Conductor of Nephthys]]
* [[Copycat]]
* [[Cosmo Queen]]
* [[Dark Doriado]]
* [[Devotee of Nephthys]]
* [[Dharma-Eye Magician]]
* [[Dimension Shifter]]
* [[Divine Grace Northwemko]]
* [[Doll Chimera]]
* [[Dragonpit Magician]]
* [[Dragonpulse Magician]]
* [[Ebon Magician Curran]]
* [[Effect Veiler]]
* [[Endymion the Master Magician]]
** [[Endymion the Magistus of Mastery]]
** [[Endymion the Mighty Master of Magic]]
* [[Exodia the Forbidden One]]
** [[Exodia Necross]]
* [[Fire Sorcerer]]
* [[Gemini Elf]]
* [[Gravekeeper's Priestess]]
* [[Gravekeeper's Spiritualist]]
* [[High Priestess of Prophecy]]
* [[Ice Queen (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Illusionist Faceless Mage]]
* [[Justice of Prophecy]]
* [[Lady of D]]
* [[Lord of D.]]
** [[The King of D.]]
* [[Loki Lord of the Aesir]]
* [[Magician of Faith]]
* [[Maiden in Love]]
* [[Majespecter Unicorn Kirin]]
* [[Milla the Temporal Magician]]
* [[Miracle Flipper]]
* [[Musician King]]
* [[Mystic Lamp]]
* [[Mystical Elf]]
** [[Dark Elf (Yu-Gi-Oh!)|]]
* [[Night Wing Sorceress]]
* [[Night's End Sorcerer]]
* [[Nobledragon Magician]]
* [[Nekroz of Valkyrus]]
* [[Oafdragon Magician]]
* [[Palladium Oracle Mana]]
* [[Palladium Oracle Mahad]]
* [[Performage Trick Clown]]
* [[Reaper of Prophecy]]
* [[Relinquished]]
** [[Thousand-Eyes Restrict]]
* [[Saggi the Dark Clown]]
* [[Saambell the Summoner]]
* [[Selene Queen of the Master Magicians]]
* [[Sevens Road Magician]]
* [[Sevens Road Witch]]
* [[Silent Magician]]
* [[Slacker Magician]]
* [[Stargazer Magician]]
* [[Summon Sorceress]]
* [[Sunny Pixie]]
* [[Tamagushi the Exemplary Priestess]]
* [[Temperance of Prophecy]]
* [[The Tricky]]
* [[Timegazer Magician]]
* [[Time Wizard]]
* [[Tuning Magician]]
* [[Virgil Rock Star of the Burning Abyss]]
* [[Wee Witch's Apprentice]]
* [[White Magician Pikeru]]
* [[Wisdom-Eye Magician]]
* [[Witch of the Black Forest]]
* [[Witch of the Black Rose]]
* [[Xiangke Magician]]
* [[Xiangsheng Magician]]
* [[Zoroa the Magistus of Flame]]

h5#warrior. Warrior
* [[Amazoness Paladin]]
* [[Ancient Warriors oath - Double Dragon Lords]]
* [[Battle Warrior]]
* [[Black Luster Soldier]]
** [[Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning]]
* [[Big Shield Gardna]]
* [[Blade Knight (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Boost Warrior]]
* [[Buster Blader]]
* [[Celtic Guardian]]
* [[Chaos End Ruler - Ruler of the Beginning and the End]]
* [[Chevalier de Fleur]]
* [[Crystron Halqifibrax]]
* [[CXyz Barian Hope]]
* [[Dante Traveler of the Burning Abyss]]
* [[Dragon Lady]]
* [[Evening Twilight Knight]]
* [[Flame Swordsman]]
* [[Freed]]
* [[Gate Guardian]]
** [[Kazejin]]
** [[Sanga of the Thunder]]
** [[Suijin]]
* [[Gearfried the Iron Knight]]
* [[Grandmaster of the Six Samurai]]
* [[Great Shogun Shien]]
* [[Goblin Attack Force]]
* [[Goblindbergh]]
* [[Hungry Burger]]
* [[Isolde Two Tales of the Noble Knights]]
* [[Jack's Knight]]
* [[Junk Speeder]]
* [[Junk Synchron]]
* [[Junk Warrior]]
* [[King's Knight (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Kojikocy]]
* [[Lava Battleguard]]
* [[Legendary Knight Timaeus]]
* [[Legendary Six Samurai Shi En]]
* [[Lady Ninja Yae]]
* [[Makyura the Destructor]]
* [[Marauding Captain]]
** [[Marmiting Captain]]
* [[Nekroz of Trishula]]
* [[Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo]]
* [[Queen's Knight]]
* [[Rocket Warrior]]
* [[S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru]]
* [[Secret Six Samurai-Hatsume]]
* [[Silent Swordsman]]
* [[Skull Mariner]]
* [[Speed Warrior]]
* [[SPYRAL Super Agent]]
* [[Strike Ninja]]
* [[Swamp Battleguard]]
* [[Swordsman of Landstar]]
* [[Swordstalker]]
* [[Tellarknight Ptolemaeus]]
* [[The Legendary Fisherman]]
* [[The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves]]
* [[The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche]]
* [[The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots]]
* [[The Six Samurai - Yariza]]
* [[Warrior Dai Grepher]]
* [[Warrior Lady of the Wasteland]]

h4#spell-card. Spell Cards
* [[Axe of Despair]]
* [[Brain Control]]
* [[Book of Moon]]
* [[Called by the Grave]]
* [[Card Destruction]]
* [[Chain Strike]]
* [[Change of Heart]]
* [[Dark Magical Circle]]
* [[Delinquent Duo]]
* [[Different Dimension Capsule]]
* [[Ekibyo Drakmord]]
* [[Emergency Provisions]]
* [[Enemy Controller]]
* [[Final Countdown]]
* [[Fissure]]
* [[Forbidden Chalice]]
* [[Forbidden Dress]]
* [[Forbidden Lance]]
* [[Forbidden Scripture]]
* [[Gem-Knight Fusion]]
* [[Gold Sarcophagus]]
* [[Graceful Charity]]
* [[Graceful Dice]]
* [[Hippo Carnival]]
* [[Instant Fusion]]
* [[Marshmallon Glasses]]
* [[Mask of Brutality]]
* [[Mask of Weakness]]
* [[Mesmeric Control]]
* [[Megamorph]]
* [[Mimicat]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]
* [[Mooyan Curry]]
* [[Multiply (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[My Body as a Shield]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Neos Fusion]]
* [[Overload Fusion]]
* [[Paralyzing Potion]]
* [[Poisonous Winds]]
* [[Polymerization]]
* [[Pot of Duality]]
* [[Pot of Extravagance]]
* [[Pot of Greed]]
** [[Spirit of the Pot of Greed]]
* [[Pot of Prosperity]]
* [[Primal Seed]]
* [[Rekindling]]
* [[Sage's Stone]]
* [[Scapegoat]]
* [[Shrink (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Smile World]]
* [[Super Polymerization]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]
* [[The Eye of Timaeus]]
* [[Critias|The Fang of Critas]]
* [[Toon World]]
* [[Upstart Goblin]]
* [[Wicked Chain]]
* [[Wonder Wand]]

h4#trap-card. Trap Cards
* [[Anti-Spell Fragrance]]
* [[Blast Held by a Tribute]]
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]]
* [[Converging Wishes]]
* [[Crush Card Virus]]
* [[D.D. Dynamite]]
* [[Deck Devastation Virus]]
* [[Destiny Board]]
* [[Dogmatika Punishment]]
* [[Dragoncarnation]]
* [[Dust Tornado]]
* [[Eradicator Epidemic Virus]]
* [[Fiendish Chain]]
* [[Forced Ceasefire]]
* [[Full Force Virus]]
* [[Gagagashield]]
* [[Graverobber]]
* [[Grinning Grave Virus]]
* [[Hard-sellin' Goblin]]
* [[Horn of Heaven]]
* [[Imperial Order]]
* [[Magic Cylinder]]
* [[Magical Explosion]]
* [[Magical Hats]]
* [[Mirror Force]]
* [[Mystical Refpanel]]
* [[Reverse Trap (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Ring of Destruction]]
* [[Rivalry of Warlords]]
* [[Royal Decree (yu-gi-oh!)|]]
* [[Shapesister]]
* [[Skill Drain]]
* [[Skull Dice]]
* [[Solemn Judgement]]
** [[Solemn Strike]]
* [[Terrors of the Overroot]]
* [[The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
* [[Trickstar Reincarnation]]
* [[Type Zero Magic Crusher]]

h5#paleozoic. Paleozoic
* [[Paleozoic Canadia]]
* [[Paleozoic Dinomischus]]
* [[Paleozoic Olenoides]]
* [[Paleozoic Opabinia]]
* [[Paleozoic Pikaia]]

h4#ocg. OCG only
New cards that currently use fan translated names and will be sorted after receiving an official name.
* [[Boo Koo]]
* [[Kshatri-La Unicorn]]
* [[Red Cartesia the Virtuous]]
* [[News Reporter from the Underworld]]
* [[Hare the Sword Mikanko]]
* [[Nini the Mirror Mikanko]]

h4#rush. Rush Duel
* [[Can-Melo:D]]
* [[Can:D Live]]
* [[Can:Red]]
* [[Dian Keto the Cure Maiden]]
* [[Meika Etraynze the Shadow Flower Venus]]
* [[Sevens Road Magician]]
* [[Sevens Road Witch]]

h4#see-also.See also

* [[List of Yu-Gi-Oh! characters]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54