Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Live a Hero]] character.
Designed by [[itto_(mentaiko)|Mentaiko]].

He transforms into a bathhouse attendant and has a weapon that is made of fir and resembles a paddle or a sword. The paddle is clad in a water-like energy and the temperature of it increases by mixing the enthusiasm of his audience in the same way as a hot spring. The hotter the crowd, the hotter the edge of his weapon - it goes far beyond it’s boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius. Although his power is remarkable, he has no knowledge in martial arts, which means that his movements are sloppy and he has a lot of weak spots.

He was hurt by thoughtless words, which made him close up his heart. What healed him were the hot springs of his parents’ hometown and the people that lived there. It’s not exaggerated to say that this hot spring town has made him grow to the point where he can work as the innkeeper. Therefore, he has more than gratitude to the city, and he became a hero in order to protect it from peace-threatening beings. As long as his beloved city continues to develop as a tourist destination, his dream will never stop.

h4. External links

* "Live a Hero Wiki: Nessen":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54