Wiki History Listing

V1 When the [[pectorals]] tag is not enough and the chest is noticeably larger. Frequently with [[muscular male]]s.
As a rule of thumb, use this tag if the pectoral muscle looks about the same or greater in diameter as the character's facial area.

Use with the [[toned male]] tag in cases of characters with [[large pectorals]] or [[manboobs]] but non-bulky overall build.

h4. Examples:

Pectorals: post #4312854, post #4338786, post #4307507 post #4165068
Large pectorals: post #4329551, post #4344054, post #4337175
Manboobs: post #4071939, post #3372363

h4. Related tags

* [[pectorals]]
* [[alternate pectoral size]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54