Wiki History Listing

V1 An artistic error or mistake, usually in the anatomy, but it can be in other elements such as composition or perspective.

This can be anything from the obvious: [[extra digits|hands with too many fingers]] (post #1142825) or too many legs (post #71541), to more subtle errors: two left feet (post #1667989), or [[Tony Taka]]'s disease (post #190107).

Do not confuse [[error]] with [[bad anatomy]], [[bad proportions]], [[bad hands]], or [[bad feet]], which are for elements that are merely poorly drawn, not outright mistakes.

Don't confuse [[error]] with [[error message]].

Generally you should comment on the post describing the error when you find it along with tagging it with error.

h4. See also

h6. Anatomy

* [[extra digits]]
* [[wrong hand]]
* [[wrong feet]]

h6. Language

* [[engrish text]]
* [[typo]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54