Wiki History Listing

V1 The personification of the Essex-class aircraft carrier USS [i]Bon Homme Richard[/i] in [[Azur Lane]], albeit in META (Ashes Faction) form.
Character design by [[Shisantian]].

She was historically named after:
* John Paul Jones' eponymous frigate from the American Revolutionary War
* [[Benjamin Franklin]] (albeit rendered as "Bonhomme Richard")

h4. Appearance
Unlike the other [i]Essex[/i]-class carriers already implemented, [i]Bon Homme Richard[/i] is depicted in a younger physical form, and it is implied to be the form that she will appear in her normal Eagle Union Faction form. She sports [[short hair|short]] [[white hair]] with a [[belt]] [[hairband]] that is reminiscent of [[Shirogane Noel]]. She has [[red eyes]] in META form and [[blue eyes]] in her Eagle Union form (as attested by a cutscene CG in the event she starred in).

She wears a [[cape]] with long [[strap|straps]] and a [[scarf]], with a white belt to her front with the hull number CV-31 printed on it. She also wears black [[thighhighs]]. As she is portrayed in Ashes Faction META form, her clothes are black, yet they can be hinted as the same as her eventual Eagle Union Faction form. She also [[no panties|doesn't appear to wear any panties]] in this form.

As for her [[rigging]], she uses the same split-[[flight deck]] design of her sisters with her hull number "31" painted on the front of her left flight deck.

h4. Related Characters
h5. Essex-class Aircraft Carriers
* [[Essex (Azur Lane)]] (CV-9)
* [[Intrepid (Azur Lane)]] (CV-11)
* [[Ticonderoga (Azur Lane)]] (CV-14)
* [[Bunker Hill (Azur Lane)]] (CV-17)
* [b]Bon Homme Richard (Azur Lane)[/b] (CV-31)
* [[Shangri-La (Azur Lane)]] (CV-38)

h4. External Links
* "Wikipedia: USS [i]Bon Homme Richard[/i]":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54