Wiki History Listing

V1 The personification of HMS [i]Ark Royal[/i] (pennant number 91) in [[Azur Lane]].
Character design by [[mkiiiiii]], voiced by [[Itou Asuka]].

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #2893292 for base and post #4700104 for retrofit.[/tn]

She has short-cut [[black hair]] and [[blue eyes]], and her rigging bears a steampunk theme, with her flight deck sporting multiple pipes and funnels.

h4. Personality
Ark Royal is notorious for her pathological obsession with destroyers (often [[mutsuki_(azur_lane)|Mutsuki]] and [[kisaragi_(azur_lane)|Kisaragi]]), to the point of flat-out pedophilia, outdoing even [[nagato (kancolle)|Nagamon]]. Many of her lines will reference destroyers and her feelings towards them, and she will treat marriage to the player as a means to the end of gaining access.

h5. Skins
* [[Ark Royal (Pure-White Protector) (Azur Lane)|Pure-White Protector]]
* [[Ark Royal (Coast Watcher) (Azur Lane)|Coast Watcher]]
* [[Ark Royal (Guardian Of The Ball) (Azur Lane)|Guardian Of The Ball]]
* [[Ark Royal (New Year's Protectress) (Azur Lane)|New Year's Protectress]]
* [[Ark Royal (Cafe Lookout) (Azur Lane)|Cafe Lookout]]

h4. See also
* [[Ark Royal (META) (Azur Lane)|META/Ashes Faction form]]
* [[Ark Royal (Kancolle)]]
* [[Ark Royal (Warship Girls R)]]
* [[Ark Royal (Blue Oath)]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: HMS [i]Ark Royal[/i]":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54