Wiki History Listing

V1 When a character's [[balls]] collide against another character or an object, especially during sex. In animations, there are usually visual and/or audio cues to signify this, but for images, use visual cues such as [[motion_lines]] or [[dialogue]] to confirm this.
Updated by perverserknight Sun, Mar 17 '24, 20:10
V2 When a character's [[balls]]|[[testicles]] [[slap]] or collide against another character or an object, especially during sex.

Typically applies to animations, but can also be used for images too as long as visual cues or anything suggesting slapping of the balls (usually sound effects or onomatopoeia for these cases) against another character or an object.

[h4]See also:[/h4]

Updated by perverserknight Thu, Feb 29 '24, 20:14
Updated by CrookedLine Thu, Feb 29 '24, 14:24