Wiki History Listing

V1 Do [I][B]NOT[/B][/I] use this tag, unless you want to be banned for tag vigilantism/indirectly supporting this content. Remove it on sight.
Updated by Blaiddyd Tue, Feb 27 '24, 18:40
V3 The most degenerate shit ever, if you look this up you deserve to be castrated and skinned.
Updated by UmbelHandel Wed, Sep 20 '23, 05:15
V2 Sexual interaction between [[loli|prepubescent]] [[shota|children]]. This tag is not aloud on posts
Updated by Darkness-mario Tue, Oct 04 '22, 15:38
V1 Sexual interaction between [[loli|prepubescent]] [[shota|children]].
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55