Wiki History Listing

V4 A situation where a pair of breasts are caught between a doorframe or two sliding doors such that the threshold cinches at or near the torso.

This excludes failed attempts of fitting through prior to threshold and stuck side-profile attempts.
Updated by 3gg41p4c4 Tue, Feb 06 '24, 12:20
V3 A situation where a pair of breasts are caught between a doorframe or two sliding doors such that the threshold cinches at or near the torso.

This excludes failed attempts of fitting through the threshold and stuck side-profile attempts.
Updated by 3gg41p4c4 Tue, Feb 06 '24, 12:19
V2 A pair of breasts caught between a doorframe or two sliding doors such that the threshold cinches near the torso
Updated by 3gg41p4c4 Tue, Feb 06 '24, 12:13
V1 A pair of breasts caught between a doorframe or two sliding doors such that the threshold cinches near the torso instead of the breasts themselves.
Updated by 3gg41p4c4 Tue, Feb 06 '24, 12:12