Wiki History Listing

V3 This tag generally refers to either:
* a character's breasts -- showed or implied -- becoming bigger (much like [[breast_expansion]], but in layman's terms)
* or a character [b]developing breasts of a certain size from a [[flat_chest]][/b], through implied or undefined methods; often by [[age_progression]] or [[transformation ]]

Related tags
* [[breast_expansion]], a more specific way breasts enlarge.
* [[breast_shrinking]], the opposite of [[breast_growth]].
* [[breasts]]

Common methods of [[breast_growth]]

* [[age_progression]]
* [[transformation ]]

See also

* [[Tag Group:Breasts Tags]]
Updated by thenewzodiac Thu, Nov 09 '23, 20:48
V2 This tag generally refers to either:
* a character's breasts -- showed or implied -- becoming bigger (much like [[breast_expansion]], but in layman's terms)
* or a character [b]developing breasts of a certain size from a [[flat_chest]][/b], through implied or undefined methods.

Related tags
* [[breast_expansion]], a more specific way breasts enlarge.
* [[breast_shrinking]], the opposite of [[breast_growth]].
* [[breasts]]

See also

* [[Tag Group:Breasts Tags]]
Updated by thenewzodiac Thu, Nov 09 '23, 20:45
V1 This tag generally refers to either a character's breasts -- showed or implied -- becoming bigger (much like [[breast_expansion]], but in layman's terms), or a character [b]developing breasts of a certain size from a [[flat_chest]][/b], through implied or undefined methods.
Updated by thenewzodiac Thu, Nov 09 '23, 20:40