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V3 OC of Brothe1383, a pink ghost girl who is part of a quartet of other ghostly fellas inspired by (or ripped off) the characters Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde (the original Pacman Ghosts).
She is the only girl in that group, accompanied by "Krothe"; a Blue maniac ghost who carries a chainsaw, "Drothe"; a Red ghost who is a jerk and wears a sleeveless leather jacket and "Prothe"; an Orange ghost with a high intellect (or so it presents to be) which always carries a book around and thinks of others with a lesser knowledge mere uneducated brutes. Meanwhile, Ciste is rather shy, has a crush on Drothe and likes to draw.
Despise their similarities with the main 4 ghosts of Pacman, there's a big difference which is Ciste, alongside Clyde, are the only characters in their respective medias who do not follow their name pattern (the Pacman Ghosts' names end with "inky", and Brothe1383's end with "rothe"), but Clyde's and Ciste's colors are completely different, Clyde being an orange ghost (being the main reference for Prothe) and Ciste is pink (referencing Pinky).
Ciste's main reason to exist, apart from completing the quartet, is to be Drothe's crush.
Updated by Xx_looking_ Sat, Aug 26 '23, 06:33
V2 OC of Brothe1383, a pink ghost girl who is part of a quartet of other ghostly fellas inspired by (or ripped off) the characters Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde (the original Pacman Ghosts).
She is the only girl in that group, accompanied by "Krothe"; a Blue maniac ghost who carries a chainsaw, "Drothe"; a Red ghost with a jerk attitude and "Prothe"; an Orange ghost with a high intellect (or so it presents to be) which always carries a book around.
Despise their similarities with the main 4 ghosts of Pacman, there's a big difference which is Ciste, alongside Clyde, are the only characters in their respective medias who do not follow their name pattern (the Pacman Ghosts' names end with "inky", and Brothe1383's end with "rothe"), but Clyde's and Ciste's colors are completely different, Clyde being an orange ghost (being the main reference for Prothe) and Ciste is pink (referencing Pinky).
Updated by Xx_looking_ Tue, Jul 11 '23, 16:20
V1 OC of Brothe1383
Updated by Xx_looking_ Fri, Jun 23 '23, 04:31