Wiki History Listing

V1 A style of hanging [[earrings]] where the piece itself is still connected directly or immediately to the actual point of piercing, but still hangs off of the ear.

Not to be confused with [[drop earrings]], the other major style of hanging earrings. The difference between the two can be compared to someone falling off a cliff:

* [[Dangle earrings]] (which [i]are[/i] directly connected) are the person who's still clinging to the edge, and is therefore "dangling" precariously.
* [[Drop earrings]] (which aren't directly connected) are the person who has already fallen off, and therefore has "dropped".

h4. See also

* [[stud earrings]]
* [[hoop earrings]]
* [[chandelier earrings]]

h4. External links

* "An image that clearly and simply shows the different types.":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54