Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Umamusume]] character. An exchange student from Ireland who comes from a distinguished family. Loves [[Ramen]].

[[Horse girl]]. Has [[brown hair|brown]] hair of indeterminate length tied up in a [[single hair bun|bun]] with a red-and-white [[hair ribbon|ribbon]], plus a [[white hair|white]] [[hair between eyes|fringe]] in front. Also has [[green eyes|light green]] eyes (sometimes depicted as a shade of [[yellow eyes|yellow]]).

Unlike all the other "umamusume" horsegirls, Fine Motion has [i]completely symmetrical[/i] ear/hair decs. These consist of four [[clover]]-shaped [[clover hair ornament|hair ornament]]s (three-leaved clovers, each colored in red and outlined in green) arranged in two identical pairs on top of her head, with one pair of clovers each in front of [b]both her left and right ears[/b]. Note that otherwise, she would be treated as a "filly/mare" character (wears [[buruma]] with her [[gym uniform]] and the such) as the original horse ran as one.

h5. Additional notes
[expand]* Fine Motion's real-life counterpart is widely rumored to be intersex (appears to be a mare but has male chromosomes and testes).

h5. Associated characters
* [[Air Shakur (Umamusume)|]]
* [[Air Groove (Umamusume)|]]: Roommate

h4. See also
* [[Fine Motion (racehorse)]]

h4. External links
* "Umamusume Walkthrough Wikis Fast News: The Reason Why Fine Motion Has Eardecs on Both Ears":[https://ウマ娘攻略まとめ速報.com/post-9777]
* "Netkaiba Discussion Forums: Fine Motion":[]
* "ファインモーション 実は牡馬だった!?":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54