Wiki History Listing

V1 [b]Azathoth[/b], also known as the [b]Blind Formless Chaos That Lies Behind the Stars[/b], the 'blind idiot god', the [b]Daemon Sultan[/b], or the [b]Primal Chaos[/b], is a little-known, inscrutable, all-powerful Outer God.

In the [[cthulhu mythos|Lovecraft]] mythos it is described as a living gibbering mass of uncontrollable destructive power at the center of the universe.

An utterly mindless but all-powerful [[alien]] being, Azathoth is totally unaware of the cosmos, including its own existence and worshippers.

h4.See also

* [[Nyarlathotep]] - [spoilers]One of its many sons[/spoilers]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54