Wiki History Listing

V1 A hanging scroll, called by the generic terms 立軸 ([i]lìzhóu[/i]) in China and 掛軸/掛け軸 ([i]kakejiku[/i]) in Japan, is an illustration or piece of [[calligraphy]] affixed to a [[scroll]] of cloth or paper.

When hanging scrolls first took their modern form during the "Northern Song Dynasty": of China, they were strongly characterized as portable murals to be used in religious ceremonies, but later came to be appreciated as art objects.

In the "Japanese Way of Tea,": these scrolls are called 掛物 ([i]kakemono[/i]), and are emphasized as an indispensable piece of equipment for the [[tea ceremony]]. Japanese [i]kakejiku[/i] are typically displayed in a special alcove for art objects called the "[i]tokonoma[/i].":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:57