Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Azur Lane]]'s personification of the Soviet heavy cruiser [i]Tallinn[/i].

Originally constructed by Germany as [i]Lützow[/i], the fifth and final [[Admiral Hipper (Azur Lane)|]]-class heavy cruiser, she was sold to the Soviets in 1940 and renamed [i]Petropavlovsk[/i].
She assumed the name [i]Tallinn[/i] in 1943 upon being salvaged and returned to service after suffering heavy damage from German airstrikes in the siege of Leningrad and sunk.

Post-war, she was used as a training ship and barracks before being scrapped by the 1950s.

Voiced by [[Shitaya Noriko]].

h4. Skins
* [[tallinn_(nostalgic_pilsner)_(azur_lane)|Nostalgic Pilsner]]
* [[tallinn_(as_you_say_ma'am!)_(azur_lane)|As You Say, Ma'am!]]

h4. Related Characters

h5. Admiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruisers
[tn] Currently implemented ships listed in order taken from "Wikipedia: [i]Admiral Hipper[/i]-class cruiser":[] [/tn]

* [[Admiral Hipper (Azur Lane)]]
* [[Prinz Eugen (Azur Lane)]]
* [b]Tallinn[/b] (Hipper class sold to USSR)

h5. Related ship classes
* [[Mainz (Azur Lane)]] (Proposal of Hipper with 150mm guns)
* [[Weser (Azur Lane)]] (Unfinished retrofit into carrier)

h4. See also
* "Wikipedia: [i]Tallinn[/i].":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54