Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Azur Lane]]'s personification of the American destroyer [i]Bache[/i].
Character design by [[waterkuma]], voiced by Kaneko Sayaka.

h4. Appearance and personality
Her design as well as her personality were based on a [[pun]] of her name that reads almost the same as the word "bitch". As such, she is depicted as a "kusogaki" [[gyaru]]. She has a [[very long hair|very long]] [[blonde hair]] with [[twintails]] and a [[purple eyes]], she wears a [[black_headwear|black]] [[sailor hat]] with golden anchor decoration, a golden [[fur trim]]med [[jacket]], a [[black_shirt|black]] [[sleeveless]] [[crop top]] [[serafuku]] with a yellow ribbon, a [[pink collar]] with a golden ring, and a [[short shorts|very short]] [[denim shorts]].

h4. History
The historical [i]Bache[/i] was launched in 7 July 1942. After being assigned to several bombardment mission in late 1943, she took part in the "Battle of Surigao Strait":/pools/9549 before sent back to the United States in late 1944 for her first overhaul. After completion, she was sent to cover fire support at [[Iwo Jima]] before being struck by a kamikaze attack on 13 May 1945, forcing her to return to the US and receive her second overhaul. After the war, she has been converted two times, first in 1950 as an escort destroyer, before being converted back into a destroyer in 1962. On 6 Febuary 1968, [i]Bache[/i] was stuck by a gale during her visit on the Isle of Rhodes, Greece, and ran aground. Ironically for the in-game emphasis on her character, the US Navy deemed her unrecoverable and she was sold for scrap there.

h5. Skins

* [[Bache (Gorgeous Speed-Star) (Azur Lane)|Gorgeous Speed-Star]]
* [[Bache (Showy Sports Star) (Azur Lane)|Showy Sports Star]]

h4. External links

* "Azur Lane Wiki: Bache":[]
* "Wikipedia: USS [i]Bache[/i]":[]

h5. Azur Lane - Fletcher Class
* [[Aulick (Azur Lane)|Aulick]]
* [b]Bache[/b]
* [[Bush (Azur Lane)|Bush]]
* [[Charles Ausburne (Azur Lane)|Charles Ausburne]]
* [[Fletcher (Azur Lane)|Fletcher]]
* [[Foote (Azur Lane)|Foote]]
* [[Halsey Powell (Azur Lane)|Halsey Powell]]
* [[Hazelwood (Azur Lane)|Hazelwood]]
* [[Jenkins (Azur Lane)|Jenkins]]
* [[Kimberly (Azur Lane)|Kimberly]]
* [[Mullany (Azur Lane)|Mullany]]
* [[Nicholas (Azur Lane)|Nicholas]]
* [[Radford (Azur Lane)|Radford]]
* [[Smalley (Azur Lane)|Smalley]]
* [[Spence (Azur Lane)|Spence]]
* [[Stanly (Azur Lane)|Stanly]]
* [[Stephen Potter (Azur Lane)|Stephen Potter]]
* [[Thatcher (Azur Lane)|Thatcher]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54