Wiki History Listing

V1 A high fantasy novel series by American author George R.R. Martin, running since 1996 with five novels (out of a projected seven) as of 2012.

The saga revolves around three interconnected stories, set in a world where summer and winter can last decades: a seven-way war for the throne of Westeros, a looming threat of supernatural beings from beyond a massive wall of ice as a long winter approaches, and an exiled princess' quest to retake Westeros from the usurpers who killed her father.

The saga is unique among its genre for its impartial third-person point-of-view provided by dozens of characters of differing allegiances and personalities, as well as toning down the genre's more fantastic elements in favor of battles, political intrigue and moral ambiguity.

h4. Books

* 1: "A Game of Thrones": (August 1996)
* 2: "A Clash of Kings": (February 1999)
* 3: "A Storm of Swords": (November 2000)
* 4: "A Feast for Crows": (November 2005)
* 5: "A Dance with Dragons": (July 2011)
* 6: The Winds of Winter (TBA)
* 7: A Dream of Spring (TBA)

h4. See also

* [[Game of Thrones]] - The television adaptation of the novel
* "External Link: Wikipedia":
* "External Link: Author's Website":
* "External Link: ASOIF Wiki in":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:57