Wiki History Listing

V1 A catchall tag for equipment that has a single horizontal bar where a user can lift and suspend themselves for various athletic or gymnastic exercises.

What is covered by this tag:

* [b]Athletic pull-up or chin-up bars[/b], a piece of equipment that is common in outdoor playgrounds and exercise stations. Constructed of a metal bar suspended by wooden or metal supports on either side. May be a triple or multi-unit where several are side-by-side and share supports between bars.
** Currently is the only type of equipment actually being depicted by this tag.
* [b]Gymnastics horizontal or high bar[/b], a piece of equipment composed of a steel or metal bar suspended by a rigid structure and cables. It is used by male gymnasts in performing various swings, aerial releases, and dismounts. Due to users strongly swinging their weight on the bar, cables are necessary to keep the unit firmly restrained.

h4.See Also

* [[Barre]]
* [[Jungle gym]]
* [[Monkey bars]]
* [[Playground]]
* "Wikipedia - Chin-up bar":[]
* "Wikipedia - Horizontal bar":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:57