Wiki History Listing

V4 A variation of posture meaning to place one leg on one side and the other on the other side of an object "to stand or sit astride of" such as to straddle a fence or a horse.

h4. See Also

* [[thigh straddling]]
* [[upright straddle]]
* [[Tag Group:Posture]]
Updated by Kekurussy Sun, Mar 10 '24, 12:56
V3 To stand or sit with a leg on each side of a person.
Updated by BeerLover28 Sat, Mar 09 '24, 19:54
Updated by I_am_a_guy Sun, Apr 02 '23, 22:35
V1 A variation of posture meaning to place one leg on one side and the other on the other side of an object "to stand or sit astride of" such as to straddle a fence or a horse.

h4. See Also

* [[thigh straddling]]
* [[upright straddle]]
* [[Tag Group:Posture]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56