Wiki History Listing

V1 Short-range [[jet]] fighter manufactured by Mikoyan. NATO codename: "Fulcrum." A twin-tailed [[airplane]] with a clipped delta wing and sharply raked tailplanes, it has widely separated engines fed by rectangular ventral intakes. Blended wing-body planform similar to that of the [[F-16 Fighting Falcon]]; its large leading edge root extensions have spring-loaded louvers that can be opened during taxiing or low-speed flight (visible in post #719579 and post #187411). Later versions of the MiG-29 have dispensed with this and also feature a slightly bulged spine. Standard equipment includes an infrared search and track sensor just forward of the windscreen. Fixed armament is one 30mm [[cannon]], while six underwing hardpoints can carry various air-to-air missiles, bombs, rockets, electronic warfare pods, and fuel tanks.

h4. See also

* [[military]]
* [[Su-27]]

h4. External links

* Wikipedia: "MiG-29":
* "MiG-29 Fulcrum":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56