Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[fascist]], national socialist ideology popularized by [[Adolf Hitler]] and were later adopted during his rule over [[Germany]] between 1933 to 1945. Notable for its extreme Pan-German/Nordic racial [[nationalism]] and disregard of other races as inferior, especially the Poles, Serbs and Jews (later Russians and Romani), as well as a systematic extermination of their victims.

For use on posts with the "NSDAP emblem": or [[SS Insignia]] (sig runes) runes/uniforms, or otherwise clear nazi markings such as the [[Totenkopf]] (corpse's skull).

Note that "SS-inspired", but imaginary uniforms do not qualify for the tag, nor does general German [[World War II]] imagery, such as the eagle and [[swastika]], [[Iron Cross]], or German Military units and equipment, unless they fit the earlier mentioned criteria.

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: Nazism":[]
* "Wikipedia: Nazi Germany":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54