Wiki History Listing

V2 Carly Nagisa was an unsuccessful, clumsy reporter, who tended to get pushed around by others, she is also claimed that she was the number #1 Jack Atlas fan.

Carly later became the Dark Signer with the hummingbird Dark Mark, but was returned to normal after the end of the season. Though initially a klutz, she had shown a caring side, and as a young girl enjoyed watching people succeed, which lead her to becoming a reporter, as she wanted people's achievements to be known. She also showed a selfish side when it came with Jack, and as she only wanted Jack for herself, this ultimately led to her temporary rebirth as a Dark Signer.
Updated by MomijiTheRabbit Sat, Sep 23 '23, 09:24
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56