Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Azur Lane]]'s personification of the Japanese light cruiser [i]Noshiro[/i].
Character design by [[Atdan]], voiced by [[Inami Anju]].

Introduced in the [i]Swirling Cherry Blossoms[/i] event of December 2019.

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #3729043.[/tn]

In Azur Lane, she is depicted having [[long hair|long]] black hair and [[oni horns]] and wearing a [[black serafuku]], [[white sailor collar]], and [[pantyhose]]. She is also seen with a [[katana]] slung to her back. A second katana and a [[wakizashi]] are shown on her left/portside rig with a quadruple 61 cm torpedo mount. On her right/starboard rig are her two 15.2 cm twin main gun mounts and a second quad torpedo mount. She also carries 25 mm twin AA mounts on [[thigh strap|thigh straps]].

h4. History
In real life, she was brought into service as the new flagship of the Second Torpedo Squadron to replace [[Jintsuu (Azur Lane)|]], sunk in Kolombangara. She served in this role until she was sunk in the battle of Leyte Gulf.

h4. Skins
* [[noshiro_(a_tale_of_two_lovers)_(azur_lane)|A Tale of Two Lovers]]
* [[noshiro_(uncharted_festival_grounds?)_(azur_lane)|Uncharted Festival Grounds?]]
* [[noshiro_(xanadu's_eventide)_(azur_lane)|Xanadu's Eventide]]
* [[noshiro_(fragrance_of_the_eastern_snow)_(azur_lane)|Fragrance of the Eastern Snow]]
* [[noshiro_(cozy_enclave)_(azur_lane)|Cozy Enclave]]
* [[noshiro_(hold_the_ice)_(azur_lane)|Hold the Ice]]

h4. [i]Agano[/i]-class light cruisers
* [[Agano (Azur Lane)|]]
* [b]Noshiro[/b]
* [[Sakawa (Azur Lane)|]]

h4. See also
* [[Noshiro (Kancolle)]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: IJN [i]Noshiro[/i]":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54