Wiki History Listing

V1 A human Champion from Freljord in [[League of Legends]] usually played as AD Carry. She is one of the poster children of the game and is known for her icy theme, long range and hit-or-miss game-changing large crystal arrow. Has a husband named [[Tryndamere]].

Full title: [b]Ashe the Frost Archer[/b]

h4. Alternate Skins

* [[Freljord Ashe]]
* [[Sherwood Forest Ashe]]
* [[Woad Ashe]]
* [[Queen Ashe]]
* [[Amethyst Ashe]]
* [[Heartseeker Ashe]]
* [[Marauder Ashe]]
* [[PROJECT: Ashe]]
* [[Cosmic Queen Ashe]]
* [[High Noon Ashe]]
* [[Fae Dragon Ashe]]
* [[Coven Ashe]]
* [[Championship Ashe]]
* [[Ocean Song Ashe]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54