Wiki History Listing

V1 Third ship of the US Navy's [i]South Dakota[/i]-class battleships, USS [i]Massachusetts[/i] (BB-59), in [i][[Azur Lane]][/i].
Character design by [[Enka (bcat)|]], voiced by [[Takahashi Rie]].

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #3202437.[/tn]

Massachusetts has [[multicolored hair]] being mostly white on the outside, while green-cyan or black on the inside. She has [[dark skin]] and several [[body markings]] near her collarbone and on her abdomen. Her outfit consists of a black and white [[bikini top only|bikini top]] where the straps are attached to a [[choker]] with a Native American-esque design, a pair of black [[short shorts]] and an [[open_jacket|open]], [[black jacket]] that hangs [[off_shoulder|off her shoulders]]. In addition, she wears [[camouflage_footwear|camo-patterned]] [[combat boots]]. Her hairstyle and dark complexion leads many players to note similarities to [[Altera (Fate)|]].

Her [[rigging]] features three triple-barreled [[turret|turrets]], two of which are suspended at her sides, while the third is attached to the back rigging. A small section of hull plating is suspended from the turrets as well as smaller secondary turrets. Her back rigging is her superstructure and conning tower, featuring a [[radar dish]].

h4. History
In real life, [i]Massachusetts[/i] was the only one of the class to have initially seen frontline service in the Atlantic/Mediterranean theaters, bombarding Casablanca in November 1942 (leading to her gunnery exchange with [[Jean Bart (Azur Lane)|]], in anchor at that time). She was only transferred to the Pacific in early 1943 to replace her sister South Dakota (then headed stateside for repairs), seeing action escorting the carrier forces.

Post-war, she was decommissioned in 1947, but it took until 1965 for her to become a museum ship.

h4. Skins
* [[Massachusetts (Dressed to Impress) (Azur Lane)|Dressed to Impress]]

h4. South Dakota-class Battleships

* [[South Dakota (Azur Lane)|]] (BB-57)
* [b]Massachusetts[/b] (BB-59)
* [[Alabama (Azur Lane)|]] (BB-60)

h4. See also
* [[Jean Bart (Azur Lane)|]]
* [[Massachusetts (Kancolle)]]

h4. External links
* "Azur Lane Wiki: Massachusetts":[]
* "Wikipedia: USS [i]Massachusetts[/i] (BB-59)":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54