Wiki History Listing

V1 A supporting character in the [[kamen america (comic)|Kamen America]] comic series and the fourth member of the Kamen Corps. Her real name is Sylvia Prestige. Her family owns an international outdoor shop, and she has been [[kamen america|Carly's]] rival since elementary school. This rivalry continued when Carly's old media relations company chose Sylvia to be Kamen U.N. after Carly cut ties with them. After settling their differences [spoilers]and the revelation that the Kamen U.N. armor was a fake made by [[Vermillion Masquerade]][/spoilers], Syliva joined the Kamen Corps. Unlike the rest of the Kamen Corps, Sylvia does not have any powers since she was not struck by space debris. However, she can control a special-made armor created from chimeraton-imbued materials [spoilers]due to second-hand exposure to chimeratons in Vermillion Masquerade's mud[/spoilers]. Sylvia is motivated by a desire to help people. She is secretly an avid gamer.

Syliva has [[purple eyes]] and long, platinum [[blonde hair]]. She usually wears a [[black hairband]] which she replaces with a [[red hairband]] when wearing her Kamen Victory armor.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54