Wiki History Listing

V1 Character from the series [[Umamusume]]. Resident 'punk' girl and [i]data scientist[/i] of the series. Behind her belligerant disposition is a logically-minded genius. In the game, she has the maximum bonus of 30% in Wisdom training as well as one of the highest base Wisdom stats.

[[Horse girl]]. Has [[black hair]] and [[eyebrow piercing|eyebrow piercings]].

h5. Associated characters
* [[Meisho Doto (umamusume)|]] - Roommate
* [[Fine Motion (umamusume)|]] - Willing research subject
* [[Agnes Tachyon (umamusume)|]] - Fellow scientist
* [[Gold Ship (umamusume)|]] - ???

h4. External links
* "Umamusume JP Official Character Bio: Air Shakur":[]
* "Horse JP Keiba: Air Shakur":[] [tn]the racehorse[/tn]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54