Wiki History Listing

V1 The initial from of [[Majin Buu]] from [[Dragon Ball Z]], also known as "Good Buu" or "Mr. Buu". This form is a result of Buu absorbing the Dai Kaioushin and the good and evil energy of Earth during the millennia of his sealing, resulting in his schoolyard bully personality and [[fat]] appearance.

After [[Babidi]] revived Buu from his slumber, Buu went on to cause a rampant destruction on earth, mostly to satisfy his hunger by turning any lesser being into [[candy]]. [[Mr. Satan]] later befriended Buu and taught him virtuous values, but soon after he witnessed his [[bee (dragon ball)|adopted stray dog]] being killed by a group of bounty hunters who were sent to kill him, Buu went berserk and killed the bounty hunters in the process. This would result in his evil alter-ego being unleashed, who overpowers him and absorbs him back in turn, creating [[Super Buu]].

[spoiler]After [[Super Buu]] was forced to release Fat Buu along with the other victims he absorbed, Fat Buu would become a separate entity, while Super Buu would transform into Buu's pure evil form, known as [[Kid Buu]].[/spoiler]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54