Wiki History Listing

V1 Chinese (traditional/simplified): 三國演義/三国演义 ([i]Sanguo Yanyi[/i]) or 三國志通俗演義/三国志通俗演义 ([i]Sanguozhi Tongsu Yanyi[/i])
Japanese: 三国志演義 ([i]Sangokushi Engi[/i]) or 三国演義 ([i]Sangoku Engi[/i])
Sometimes abbreviated as 「演義」/「演义」/"Romance" to be distinguished from "Chen Shou":[]'s "Records of the Three Kingdoms":[] (which is abbreviated as 「正史」/[Official Historical]"Records").

A historical novel attributed to "Luo Guanzhong":[] detailing the history and folklore behind the period from 184 (The Yellow Turban Rebellion) to 280 (The unification of China by Jin) while passing through, among other things; the Battle of Chibi (208), the formation of the Three Kingdoms (years 220, 221 and 229), and the fall of Shu as well as the takeover of Wei by Jin (263-265).

The novel and the various individual stories within have a mind-boggingly high number of adaptations in every media and they have inspired many other stories involving the characters.

The name Sangokushi also refers to a franchise of strategy games by Koei.

h4.External links

* "Wikipedia article":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56