Wiki History Listing

V1 The phrase 花笠 literally means "flower hat" and usually associated with two distinct headgears:

* Kasa hats [i]decorated[/i] with flowers, used for various traditional dance festivals across Japan. -> "[photo]":[]
* Flower [i]motif[/i] hats worn with [[ryuusou]] for Ryūkyū(Ryuukyuu) Dance. Sometimes called "Ryūkyū hanagasa" by souvenir shops for the sake of convenience. -> "[photo]":[’Okinawa_(musée_Guimet,_Paris)_(11160081943).jpg]

This tag is currently used for the latter meaning. For the former, try using [[ajirogasa]] and [[hat flower]].

h4.See also

* [[hat]]
* [[Tag Group:Attire]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56