Wiki History Listing

V1 Character from [[Xenogears]].

A young girl discovered in the ruins of an ancient city that is now below sea level. She is, in fact, an artificial construct built of nanomachines 4000 years ago, and has the ability to morph her body in practically any way she sees fit. An optional (but implied by the ending to be canonical) event later in the game will cause her to age in appearance to a more adult form.

In fact, [spoiler]she was created by Kim Kasim, the second known reincarnation of Abel, who was researching a genetic condition causing infertility in the Zeboim populace, by combining Elly's genetic pattern with a nanomachine colony; however, Kim never saw his work come to fruition, as he was killed - and the Zeboim civilization destroyed - before she could awaken. Emeralda recognizes Fei as Kim, and it seems to take her a while to see them as different people.[/spoiler]

Her Gear is [[Crescens]].
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56