Wiki History Listing

V1 [b]Marida Cruz[/b] was originally known as "Ple Twelve", a clone of [[Elpeo Puru]]. Marida was awakened by [[Glemy Toto]] and fought with her sisters during the first [[Neo Zeon]] movement.

After the fight with [[Chara Soon]] in U.C.0089.1.17, she was one of the only surviving clones and was later taken by slave traders. She was later sold into sex slavery, in a colony brothel. Although her handlers thought she was too young to be a prostitute, the Madam thought there are pedophiles that would be interested in such youth.

Before coming under the protection of [[Suberoa Zinnerman]], she experienced countless pregnancies and abortions and her body is scarred from the abuse of her brutal customers. Afterwards, she was rescued and taken in by Neo-Zeon faction to become a MS pilot once again.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54