Wiki History Listing

V1 Kaolla Su is an eighth grade foreign exchange student who boards at the Hinata House. She goes to the same school as Shinobu Maehara.

Liking to keep her origins a secret, it was initially thought that she was from India, or possibly even Australia. However, it was later revealed that she was actually a royal princess from the Kingdom of Molmol, an island nation in the Pacific.

Possessing an Indian appearance, Kaolla is often barefoot and dressed in nothing else except her school uniform. But she does wear sneakers on some occasions. She is extremely hyperactive, usually hugging (or, in Keitaro's case, kicking) someone, trying to eat something, especially bananas and/or Tama, or inventing some potentially dangerous new device. She also has a tendency to snuggle against a person while she is sleeping and usually crushes them while doing it.

Color: Red/Gray
Food: Banana and Takoyaki/-
School subject : Math, Physics, Chemestry, Biology/Japanese
Season: Summer/Winter
Videogames: Shooter/Date sim
Men: Brother/People that don't give her enough attention
Words: Food/Diet and hunger


Specialty: Climb trees, cook using the microwave, sleep anywhere.
Ring tone: Emmanuelle
Idol: Shirou Sanada from Space Battleship Yamato
Favourite technique: Rider Kick!
First Japanese word she learned: Nandeyane? (An Osakan version of "What's that?")
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56