Wiki History Listing

V1 Male artist, mangaka, cosplayer. Best known for his [[Izayoi Sakuya]] [[cosplay]] -> "[1]":[] (Dead Twitpic links: "[1]": "[2]": "[3]": "[4]": "[5]": "[6]": "[7]": "[8]":
If you catch sight of “[[Izayoi Sakuya]] with a [[surgical mask]]” artworks on pixiv, probably [i]she[/i] is "“ツキギ咲夜さん (Tsukigi Sakuya-san)”,": his cosplay of [[izayoi_sakuya_(cosplay)|Sakuya]]. In that case, use these tags: [[tsukigi_(cosplayer)]], [[izayoi_sakuya_(cosplay)]] and [[cosplay]]

Japanese name: ツキギ (Tsukigi)
Pen-name as a mangaka: 槻木 こうすけ (Tsukigi Kousuke)
Circle name: ツキギのとこ (Tsukigi no Toko)

h4.See also

* Pixiv account:
* Twitter account:
* Twitpic account:
* Pixiv encyclopedia article: "ツキギ":ツキギ
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56