Wiki History Listing

V1 [i][[Azur Lane]][/i]'s personification of the Japanese destroyer [i]Suzutsuki[/i].
Character design by [[Shisantian]].

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #4107044.[/tn]

She is portrayed with [[short hair|short]] [[grey hair]] and [[brown eyes]], possessing both normal human ears and [[animal ears]]. Her default outfit consists of a golden crow [[mask]], [[long sleeves|long-sleeved]] white [[print kimono]] top with red ties and a [[fur collar]], black [[obi]], [[red skirt|red]] [[miniskirt]], black [[socks]]/[[tabi]], and [[rudder footwear]].

Her rigging consists of a hull piece around her waist containing her 610 mm quad [[torpedo tubes]], and a floating 10 cm twin [[anti-aircraft gun|DP gun mount]] on top of a [[shimenawa]].

h4. History
The real-life Suzutsuki participated in the ill-fated [[Operation Ten-Gou|Operation Ten-Go]], but she survived (despite extensive damage), along [[hatsushimo (azur lane)|Hatsushimo]], [[yukikaze (azur lane)|Yukikaze]], and Fuyutsuki. After the war she, along with Fuyutsuki, became part of a breakwater in Takamatsu in November 1945. Due to extensive repairs after typhoon damage in 1961 their hulls are completely buried.

h4. Skins
* [[suzutsuki_(beachside_attendant!)_(azur_lane)|Suzutsuki, Beachside Attendant!]]
* [[suzutsuki_(suzutsuki_hanetsuki_adept!)_(azur_lane)|Suzutsuki, Hanetsuki Adept!]]

h4. Akizuki-class destroyers
* [b][u]Original Batch[/u][/b]
** [b]Suzutsuki[/b] (涼月)
** [[Niizuki (Azur Lane)|]] (新月)
** [[Wakatsuki (Azur Lane)|]] (若月)
* [b][u]Fuyutsuki Subclass[/u][/b]
** [[Harutsuki (Azur Lane)|]] (春月)
** [[Yoizuki (Azur Lane)|]] (宵月)
* [b][u]Michitsuki Subclass[/u][/b]
** [[Hanazuki (Azur Lane)|]] (花月)

h4. See also
* [[Suzutsuki (Kancolle)]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: [i]Suzutsuki[/i]":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54