Wiki History Listing

V1 This tag indicates that an image sourced from Tumblr is sampled, and is not the original image. It should be used when a higher-quality version of the uploaded image exists.

Tumblr images carry one of multiple available file name suffixes:

* [code]_75sq[/code] (sample; thumbnail)
* [code]_100[/code] (sample; thumbnail)
* [code]_250[/code] (sample)
* [code]_400[/code] (sample)
* [code]_500[/code] (sample; sometimes original, see forum #132817)
* [code]_500h[/code] (sample; height-bounded)
* [code]_540[/code] (sample)
* [code]_640[/code] (sample)
* [code]_1280[/code] (sample; sometimes original)
* [code]_raw[/code] (defunct)

[b]Please note that [code]_raw[/code] images are currently inaccessible (see topic #15499). For now, upload [code]_1280[/code] images and remember to submit image replacement requests for said uploads if [code]_raw[/code] images become available again.[/b]

[b]It is Danbooru policy to either replace samples or delete them. See [[image sample]] for more information. See [[howto:tumblr]] on how to upload from Tumblr correctly.[/b]

h5. Other Tumblr errors

* [[Bad Tumblr ID]]: for when any Tumblr post or picture are no longer publicly available
* [[MD5 mismatch]]: for when none of the sizes match Danbooru

h4. See also

* topic #10024
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56