Wiki History Listing

V1 2012 computer-animated movie, produced by Disney. The story focuses around the titular character, [[Wreck-It Ralph (character)|Wreck-It Ralph]], a video game villain who is tired of his job and jumps to other video games in order to be a hero instead.

A sequel was released in 2018, titled [i]Ralph Breaks the Internet[/i], in which Ralph travels to the Internet to get a new steering wheel part for the [i]Sugar Rush[/i] arcade game, after the one on the machine breaks.

h4. Characters

* [[Wreck-It Ralph (character)|Wreck-It Ralph]]
* [[Vanellope Von Schweetz]]
* [[Fix-It Felix Jr|Fix-It Felix, Jr.]]
* [[Tamora Jean Calhoun]]
* [[Taffyta Muttonfudge]]

h4.See also

* "Wikipedia article":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56