Wiki History Listing

V1 An older aspect of the Avenger-class [[oda_nobunaga_(fate)|Oda Nobunaga]] that appears in [i][[Fate/Grand Order]][/i], presented as the Nobunaga that became powerful enough to live as the "Devil King of the Sixth Heaven". She is the third ascension of the collective, succeeding Nobunaga as well as [[oda_kippoushi_(fate)|a male incarnation in his "Kippoushi" years]].

Unlike most incarnations of Nobunaga, she has [[red hair]]. While she retains the [[red cape]], [[Oda uri]], and [[armored boots]] of her younger self, this Nobunaga instead wears a black [[bodysuit]]. Her [[red eyes]] are still present.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56