Wiki History Listing

V1 [i][[azur_lane|Azur Lane's]][/i] version of the Italian light cruiser [i]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/i].
Character design by [[Ohisashiburi]], voiced by [[Toda Megumi]].

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #5543707.[/tn]

In-game, Garibaldi is shown with [[red eyes]] and [[blonde hair]] [[gradient hair|fading into red and black]] done into a pair of [[drill hair|small drill curls]] towards the front. Her bust is not as pronounced as her sister's, though it [[medium_breasts|isn't completely nonexistent.]] Also of note was the presence of a black [[tattoo]] along the side of her left breast until it was removed in her full [[rigging]] CG.

She was originally seen sitting next to her sister, [[duca_degli_abruzzi_(azur_lane)|Duca Degli Abruzzi]] in the latter's swimsuit skin before being made playable on July 28, 2022. In this new form, she gains a uniform and rig similar to her sister.

h4. History
The real-life [i]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/i] is one of many ships in-game (mostly Italian and French) to have served both sides during World War II.

Commissioned in 1937 for the Regia Marina, [i]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/i] saw active service in the Mediterranean Sea against the Allies, participating in the naval battles of Calabria and Cape Matapan. When Italy surrendered to the Allies with the signing of the Armistice of Cassibile in 1943, [i]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/i] served together with [[Duca degli Abruzzi (Azur Lane)|her sister]] and several Allied ships in patrol duty in the South Atlantic, where she spent the rest of the war.

She was decommissioned in 1953 and reconstructed into Europe's first guided missile cruiser by 1961 with the ability to launch nuclear ballistic missiles, the only surface ship to do so. With the reconstruction, she was supposed to carry UGM-27 Polaris missiles to be provided by the United States, but never did due to political reasons amidst Cold War tensions. She was decommissioned for good in 1971 and scrapped the year after.

h4. Skins
* [[giuseppe_garibaldi_(noble_ivory_plumes)_(azur_lane)|Noble Ivory Plumes]]

h4. [i]Duca degli Abruzzi[/i]-class light cruisers
* [[Duca degli Abruzzi (Azur Lane)|]]
* [b]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/b]

h4. See also
* [[Giuseppe Garibaldi (Kancolle)]]

h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: [i]Giuseppe Garibaldi[/i].":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54