Wiki History Listing

V1 Latin: [i]Falco sp.[/i]
JP: ハヤブサ [i]hayabusa[/i] (falcon, peregrine falcon)

A type of [[bird]] of prey with thin, tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and change direction rapidly. This group of about 40 species includes kestrels, hobbies, merlins, gyrfalcons and [[peregrine falcon]]s. Unlike hawks and eagles, falcons kill prey with their beaks, which have a tooth-like ridge.

A male falcon is called a tiercel (British spelling: tercel); downy [[chick]]s are eyas.

The technique of hunting with trained captive birds of prey is known as falconry.

The Japanese word for falcon, ハヤブサ, is a synonym for the peregrine falcon. Kestrels are チョウゲンボウ ([i]chōgenbō[/i]).

h4. See also
* [[Peregrine Falcon]]
* [[Hawk]]
* [[Eagle]]
* "Japan's Birds of Prey":[,_eagles,_and_kites]
* [[Tag Group:Birds]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55