Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[sunburst]] background, typically red and yellow striped, resembling the [[North Macedonian flag]].

Used as the background of "アラジン神 絶対許早苗 ([i]Zettai YuruSanae[/i] - inexcusable arajin god)", a [[Futaba Channel]] [[meme]], and casually referred to as "Macedonian flag" due to the resemblance (such the case being in the YuruSanae Pixpedia article, its tag on Pixiv, and on Twitter).

h4.See also

* [[zettai yurusanae]]
* [[rising sun]], a similar design in red and white
* "YuruSanae Wiki(JP)":
* "Pixpedia article(JP): YuruSanae":
* "Nicopedia article(JP): YuruSanae":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55