Wiki History Listing

V2 [b]Cosplay[/b] [i](short for "costume play")[/i] refers to real people dressing up as fictional characters. This is somewhat similar to [[halloween_costume|Halloween costumes]] (and they can certainly overlap), but a good cosplay outfit is often far more elaborate.

This tag is also used to refer to fictional characters who are dressed as other characters from the same or another anime/manga/game/etc.

[[photo (medium)|Photos]] should only be tagged with the character being cosplayed and photo. In the case of anime characters cosplaying other characters, add a [b][i]xxx[/i]_(cosplay)[/b] tag. For example, if you have a drawing of [[remilia scarlet|Remilia]] cosplaying as [[hakurei reimu|Reimu]], you should use the following tags:

* [[remilia_scarlet]]
* [[hakurei_reimu_(cosplay)]]
* [[hakurei_reimu]]
* [[cosplay]]

Adding the tag [[hakurei_reimu_(cosplay)]] will automatically add the tags [[hakurei_reimu]] and [[cosplay]] for you (see [[help:autotags]]).

[b]Note:[/b] Besides adding the cosplay tags, be sure to also tag the associated copyrights that go along with the character being cosplayed.

If two or more characters are cosplaying each other, you can also add the tag [[costume_switch]] in addition to the cosplay tags.

h4. See also

* [[borrowed garments]]
* [[borrowed hairstyle]]
* [[Tag group:Artistic license]]
Updated by lmvaghjex Wed, Nov 29 '23, 05:42
V1 [b]Cosplay[/b] [i](short for "costume play")[/i] refers to real people dressing up as fictional characters. This is somewhat similar to [[halloween_costume|Halloween costumes]] (and they can certainly overlap), but a good cosplay outfit is often far more elaborate.

This tag is also used to refer to fictional characters who are dressed as other characters from the same or another anime/manga/game/etc.

[[photo (medium)|Photos]] should only be tagged with the character being cosplayed and photo. In the case of anime characters cosplaying other characters, add a [b][i]xxx[/i]_(cosplay)[/b] tag. For example, if you have a drawing of [[remilia scarlet|Remilia]] cosplaying as [[hakurei reimu|Reimu]], you should use the following tags:

* [[remilia_scarlet]]
* [[hakurei_reimu_(cosplay)]]
* [[hakurei_reimu]]
* [[cosplay]]

Adding the tag [[hakurei_reimu_(cosplay)]] will automatically add the tags [[hakurei_reimu]] and [[cosplay]] for you (see [[help:autotags]]).

[b]Note:[/b] Besides adding the cosplay tags, be sure to also tag the associated copyrights that go along with the character being cosplayed.

h4. See also

* [[borrowed garments]]
* [[borrowed hairstyle]]
* [[Tag group:Artistic license]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54